Undying Hunger
finally got his clutches on his precious born vamp, and the Enclave came to her rescue?”
    “Sounds logical,” the human replied.
    “I wonder if she knows her daddy’s Enclave is responsible for her mother’s demise?” The excitement of the topic, in addition to the naked man in his bed, had his cock pulsating and rock hard. He nudged his lover’s thigh with his shaft.
    “She’d have to know, since she’s living with them,” the other man said and smiled, returning the thrust.
    “True. Very true, Christian.” Enrique lowered his hand and traced the dark pink circle around the human’s nipple.
    Christian’s eyelids lowered. “Still, I don’t understand why she would’ve stayed after what they did.”
    “I do,” Enrique said, thinking back to how protective Guerin had been of the female. “Kenric’s second-in-command, Guerin.” He lifted his brows at the other male.
    “Ah.” Christian smirked. “She’s found someone in the Enclave whose bed she doesn’t want to leave.” He trailed his fingertips lightly down Enrique’s arm. “I can…understand the appeal.” He glanced up, meeting Enrique’s gaze, his green eyes bright with mischief.
    “Exactly,” Enrique said. “The good thing is, she’s not going anywhere. Bad thing, she’s in the heart of the Enclave, which makes the act of extracting her nearly impossible.”
    Christian grinned. “You said ‘nearly.’”
    Enrique lifted the corners of his mouth, exposing his fangs. “That’s where you come in.”

Chapter Seven
    “It’s been a week now.” Eve circled behind Alex. “How is it to have your sire freely roaming the house?”
    Alex spun, sensing Eve’s strike, and blocked the female’s incoming arm aimed at her throat. “You give him too much credit,” Alex retorted, swiping her brow with her forearm. Training with Eve three times a week in the Enclave’s gym was tough, but so far it hadn’t been nearly enough. No one needed to tell her that her sparring skills weren’t even close to being considered eligible as an active member of the Enclave. The bruises, sore ribs, and joints relayed that message loud and clear.
    “What do you mean?” Eve matched Alex move for move, making sure to keep herself at Alex’s back.
    Tightening her fists, Alex mentally checked her fighting stance. Concentrate. She couldn’t allow Eve to gain the upper hand. Her attempt to distract her with conversation about Markus wasn’t going to work. Yet despite her best efforts, images flashed across her mind’s eye of when she’d first seen him after his release. The way his muscles had glistened and bunched while he’d pulled up on the bar in his room. The way the swirls of red and black along his arms appeared to be alive, moving with each flex and release of his biceps. Her pulse notched a little higher.
    Stop it! she chided herself.
    Alex tossed her head, attempting to shake the memory from her mind as well as a few stray tendrils of hair from her eyes. “‘Sire’ is too kind of a word. You mean what’s it been like to have the male responsible for attacking me and then holding me prisoner walking around free?”
    “Yeah. That.” Eve suddenly appeared in front of her.
    Faster than Alex could visually follow, Eve leaped, gaining some air time, twisted, and landed a blow with her heel to Alex’s gut.
    Oxygen punched from Alex’s lungs, the force of the impact knocking her back a couple of feet. Spots swirled in front of her eyes. Damn. With a tight hold on her midsection, Alex focused on the bright blue mat covering the floor. Breathe. She blinked, trying to chase away the stars. In and out.
    “Are you okay?” Eve’s Nikes appeared in her line of sight. But Alex couldn’t quite get her vocal cords to respond yet. “Alex?” Eve dropped to a crouch and glanced up at her. Alex closed her eyes and nodded. Yeah. She would live. Her pride? Not so much.
    “You need to learn to expect the unexpected, Alexandria,” a deep male voice from

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