The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four

Free The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four by Jeannette Winters

Book: The Billionaire's Jackpot: Betting on You Series: Book Four by Jeannette Winters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeannette Winters
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
lack of noise left her with only one thing: her own thoughts. KJ told herself it was only a matter of time before she would be back to normal. Normal can change with the effects of time and events. Two years. Two years without my sister, my best friend. How can she be gone?
    Until meeting Drew, she had begun to think the empty shell of a person she was would be there to stay. Somehow he’d been able to break through her barrier, and when she was with him she was someone totally different, someone able to laugh and smile without it being forced. Guess being with Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky rubs off on a person. If only it were so easy. If only it would last. Her time here was short, two brief weeks then back to Napa, back to the way things were before. A chill ran through her; she never wanted to be back in that emotional place again. No, she was here now and was going to make the most of it. When or if she returned, she wasn’t going to be the same person. Not if I can help it. Time to move forward, KJ.
    The curtains in his bedroom were still open and the bright lights from the city below lit the room as though it were daylight. She could hear horns honking on the street far below. Why had she thought this place quiet? Was I that tired or had I been that comfortable? Either way, she wasn’t being a very nice guest, taking up his bed and leaving him to watch her dog. Rolling over onto her side, she breathed in the sweet musky scent of him that still lingered on the cool pillowcase next to her. Heavenly. Closing her eyes again, she could almost feel him curled up behind her, his warm breath against her ear. Her thoughts brushed away any exhaustion and were quickly replaced with a growing desire to be held by him again.
    She was tempted to stay in bed, wait for him to come looking for her, and get what she longed for. Hot, wild sex. She felt a twitch of yearning between her legs. There was no denying it: she missed and needed his touch. It had been less than twenty-four hours, yet her body was already yearning for more. She never let physical needs control her actions, yet here she was on the East Coast in Drew’s bed. The last few days proved one thing—she couldn’t resist him. Not that I have tried. Throwing the comforter to one side, she reluctantly pulled herself away and off the bed.
    For the first time, she looked around the room. It was very masculine, filled with a large bed, a television, and a lounge chair. No clutter of any kind. The man knows how to keep a room; I like that. Then she remembered who she was dealing with. Probably a maid.
    Standing there wasn’t going to do any good, so she opened the door and headed to the living room. Fully expecting to see Drew, she was surprised to find it vacant. Where could those two be? Drew hadn’t provided a tour of his home, and she wasn’t one to snoop. Sitting and waiting for his return appeared to be her only option. Earlier she hadn’t taken the time to take in her surroundings, this time was different. Large, masculine furniture filled the room, but it was more what was missing that caught her eye. Not a picture of a friend or family anywhere. Not on a wall or a table. There didn’t appear to be anything personal at all. It looked more like a showroom than a living room. If she had to describe it, she’d say it was cold.
    Interestingly, that hadn’t been a word she would have ever associated with Drew. He may be many things—funny, relaxed, and sexy as hell—but cold? Never. Maybe he’d just moved in and hadn’t unpacked? Shaking her head in disbelief, she leaned back on the couch, making herself comfortable, ready to wait until they decided to return. It didn’t take long before she began to fidget. She was used to being on the move all the time; sitting in absolute quiet wasn’t her cup of tea. Scanning the room again, she hoped to find a book but would settle for a magazine. My barracks had more clutter.
    As KJ tried to nestle in the welcoming couch again,

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