Logan's Calling
    It was all too much. He gritted his teeth and pistoned his cock furiously, his breath hissing and his eyes narrowed as he felt the familiar tingle in his ball sac. Oh fuck he was going to shoot and it was all for her, all for Sarah. She bent over to grab some shoes from the floor of her closet and that momentary glimpse of her ass, of the lingerie riding up to reveal two perfectly shaped ass cheeks bisected with a crack that promised hidden treasures, was the image that exploded into Logan's mind as he erupted all over himself. His seed flew from the tip of his cock and he gasped, 'Sarah!' as he came. 
    He closed his eyes and imagined her kneeling in front of him, looking at him over her shoulder and smiling as she lifted the lingerie to reveal her ass. 'Give it to me, Logan' she whispered.
    'Yes!' he cried out as he continued to explode over his hand and over the wooden floor of his bedroom.
    By the time he was done, he sat there in the dark breathing in great gulps of the night air and waiting for the shudders of pleasure to subside. How long was he going to go on like this? It had been almost a year now and all of this spying on Sarah was driving him crazy. Hell, maybe he had already gone crazy. He spent his entire military career watching people from afar as a sniper and now he was doing the same thing back on civilian street. Except this time he wasn't going to go in for the kill. He wasn't even going to speak to her. 
    Logan James and Sarah Cooper had shared exactly one interaction the whole time she had been living on Arroyo Street. On the morning she moved in, she was standing on the sidewalk in front of her house in tight blue jeans and a pretty little pink t-shirt that had a picture of a cute skull with a pink bow on its head. The design had been distorted by the swell of Sarah's chest. Logan had been returning in his truck from grocery shopping and had seen her there on the sidewalk and whispered, 'Whoa,' to himself as he parked on his driveway.
    As he slid out of the truck she looked over and waved. Fuck she had a cute face as well as a drop-dead fantastic body. Pale blue eyes like the sea and blond hair cut into a shoulder-length sexy style with straight bangs.
    Logan put on his best smile and waved back.
    Then he got the grocery sacks out of the back seat and went into his house.
    And in the year she had lived just next door, he never spoke to her again. Fucking idiot.
    Their entire neighborly interaction amounted to just that one time a year ago. 
    Unless he counted all the times he had jacked off while he watched her through his window.
    Fucking asshole.
    He didn't even go shopping for groceries anymore, he had them delivered. This house was a prison of his own making.
    He got up off the bed and padded naked to the white-tiled bathroom. Turning the shower on full blast and very hot, he shook his head at what he had done, what he had become. A fucking peeping tom. He stepped into the scalding spray and gritted his teeth as the hot needles of water sent his nerves tingling. 
    In some places on his body he could feel nothing. The nerves across his left pec and and down the left side of his stomach were shot. Literally. He traced the ugly gnarly scars there, amazed as always at the contrast between the tough lines of healed flesh and the smoothness of the muscles they bisected. He worked out in the homemade gym in the basement and he was in good shape, almost as good as when he was serving in Afghanistan. But no matter how strong his chest, how broad his shoulders and how defined his abs, the scars remained...running across his body like ugly snaking rivers.
    No doubt about it, bullets were bad for you.
    He had never hesitated to pull the trigger during his tour of duty. It was his job. It was war.
    But when his team had been ambushed in a desert village and the tables had been turned, Logan experienced first hand the damage that metal does to flesh at high velocity. He barely remembered that day

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