
Free Untouched by Lilly Wilde

Book: Untouched by Lilly Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilly Wilde
ring had merged into the emerald of his eyes, which were the deepest green I’d ever seen.  He had long lashes like those I’d only seen on one other man, Chris Hemsworth. There was a dark-green rim around the iris and specks of light green around the pupil.  Inside the main iris, it was awash in a balance of dark emerald and pale-green that evened out to a brilliant laurel green. I didn’t want to move, I wanted to stare into his eyes and watch them dance.
    “Hi,” I whispered, for lack of anything better to say.
    A slow smile crossed his lips and he touched the tip of my nose with his finger.  “Hi yourself. Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked with perceptible concern in his beautiful eyes.
    I was still in shock and unable to assess if he actually had or not. I shook my head. Damn, where was my voice? Had he fucked me into silence? I didn’t know what to say…this had never happened to me before and I wasn’t sure how I should feel or respond to him. I didn’t like this…feeling exposed and vulnerable. 
    “What’s wrong?” he asked, lightly tracing my cheek with his fingertips, leaving a trail of heat along the area his fingers had touched.
    I felt the overwhelming need to escape his entrancing gaze. I reluctantly looked away, staring past him . He gently guided my chin so that I was again facing him, staring into his warm emeralds.
    “Aria. Please say something. I haven’t known you very long but I know enough to say that it’s unlike you to be this quiet.”
    A reluctant smile touched my lips at that truth. I swallowed and attempted to find my voice. “Nothing is wrong…I’m just a little out of sorts. Er…this is a first for me.” His eyebrows furrowed as shock and confusion crossed his handsome face.
    “Not a first in regards to sex, of course, but here… in my office… with a uh… co-worker,” I explained, embarrassed at my current state.
    “A co-worker ? Is that what I am?” he questioned.
    “Aren’t you?” I snapped as I reached for my bra.  He passed it to me and I pulled down my skirt. 
    “I was under the assumption that we were slightly more than co-workers Aria. Apparently I was mistaken. Guess it’s a good thing that you don’t make a habit of fucking co-workers in your office, huh?”
    “What is your fucking problem?” I demanded.
    “No, what is your fucking problem?” he countered.
    “Do you really want to know what my fucking problem is?” I asked.
    “Yes, please enlighten me,” he replied, his jaws clenching.
    “You!” I nearly shouted at him. “You are my fucking problem. Since the day you darkened my door, you’ve been my fucking problem.” I turned abruptly to gather my purse. I didn’t bother putting my shirt and bra on. I slipped on a jacket from the coat rack near my door, buttoned it and without looking back, stormed out of my office. 

    I rushed to the elevator and pressed the button for the parking garage. Impatiently jabbing the button several times more, I glanced over my shoulder. The elevator doors opened and I stepped in and pushed the button for the bottom floor. The elevator door began to close just as Aiden stepped out of my office. You would have never known from looking at him that he had just fucked his boss senseless. His demeanor was cool and aloof, which I had come to recognize as one of his many masks. I gazed, taking him in from the tips of his shoes upward, stopping my appraisal once I saw the look on his face. Anger ? 
    The elevator doors slowly closed, bringing finality to the scene. What the fuck was he angry about? If anyone, I should be angry. I was just fucked and gagged in my office by my fucking intern. Just saying that in my head sounded all sorts of wrong! I had sex in my office. With my subordinate, no less. But damn it was so amazingly hot! Remembering him inside me, I touched my nipples which were sore from his sensuous abuse. Truth be told, Virginia was sore also. Very sore!

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