Someone to Love

Free Someone to Love by Riley Rhea

Book: Someone to Love by Riley Rhea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Riley Rhea
cock that is swelling before my eyes. Yum, he manscapes. Letting my eyes linger a little longer than necessary, I hear a groan from Spencer that snaps me out of my trance and continue my journey the rest of the way down his body. His legs are just like I thought they would be, all muscle. A good strong foundation to hold up all his sexiness.
    Oh yes, my eyes need to see all this in reverse.
    When I reach his face again, his eyes are burning with desire and his jaw is so tight I think he may break it. I grin at him then reach for the shower curtain again and begin to slowly pull it back closed. When there is just enough room for him to still see my face, I give him a wink and close it the rest of the way.
    “Too bad you wanted to start all over at the beginning, or we could totally save water,” I say before opening the door and stepping back into the hallway. I’m pretty sure he growled at me right as the door clicked shut.

Chapter Ten
    T hat little minx! She is always up to something, and this time she is about pushing me to my limit. It took every ounce of will power I have to stand here while she eye fucked me up and down. My cock is so hard right now, that it feels like it’s about to burst. I can’t make up my mind if I should go after her little ass or take care of myself.
    Decision made. I finish my shower quickly and dry off before putting on my boxers and jeans, opening the door as quietly as possible. I want to catch Lexi off guard and give her a little dose of her own medicine. Show her just how it feels to be all hot and bothered. Let’s see how she handles it!
    Looking in her bedroom, I see that she’s not in there, so I head toward the kitchen, it’s the only room I can’t see from the bathroom. No doubt, that’s where she has to be.
    When I walk into her kitchen, she’s leaning on the counter with her back to me. Lexi seems to be lost in whatever she is doing, because she doesn’t seem to notice as I walk up behind her. When I am right behind Lexi I can easily see over her shoulder, allowing me to get my first look at what has her attention. Lexi is drawing me and leaving nothing to the imagination at all.
    “I really hope that is for your personal enjoyment and not for your art show,” I whisper in her ear, causing her to jump.
    “Spencer, you scared the crap out of me!” She bursts out before she tries to cover the sketch and her cheeks turn a nice shade of pink.
    I wonder how far her blush goes?
    I step up closer to her and crowd her by pressing my chest to her back. I hear her breath hitch and know that she is far from unaffected by my nearness.
    “Did you enjoy yourself in the bathroom?” I say softly as I run my nose up the side of her neck, inhaling her as I go. Damn she always smells so good.
    “I don’t know what you mean,” Lexi replies, trying to be innocent.
    I smile against her neck, before I begin to trail kisses from her ear to her shoulder.
    “Sorry Lexi, but you don’t do the whole innocent bit well. I think you know what I’m talking about.” I say before pressing my rock hard cock up against her so she knows exactly what I mean.
    Lexi begins to rub against me and I can see that my payback is going to backfire on me really quick. I place one arm around her waist and yank her away from the counter. Pulling her tighter against me, I take her hair in my other hand and wrap it around my wrist, using it to angle her head right where I want her. When she looks up at me, there is an intense fire burning in her eyes.
    Oh yes, she likes this.
    “You know how hard it is to control myself around you, Lexi? I’ve never felt so out of control around any other woman in my life.”
    Her tongue slowly travels across her lips before she opens her mouth to speak. I tighten my hold on her hair, drawing a gasp and then a small moan from her. My mouth crashes down on hers and I am lost in the taste of Lexi.
    I release her waist and begin to slide her yoga pants down her legs,

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