Wicked Ride
quaking as an orgasm rips
through her. It causes my own to fire and I plant my feet on the
mattress, punch my hips up, and start to unload what seems like
buckets into her hot little mouth.
    I groan my relief against her
pussy, pull my index finger out to the tip, and push it back in.
Auralie cries out again, but it’s
muffled because her mouth is full of cum and cock, still holding me
so deep I can feel her throat swallowing against my overly sensitive
    When she’s
given one last pull on my cock, she pulls her head back and I flop
out of her. Her face falls and rests on my thigh as I pull my finger
out of her ass, giving a slight push on her hips to lift off me.
She’s practically dead weight and I’m barely able to
breathe, but I also don’t want to lose the feeling of her
against me.
    So I roll both of us to the side
again, slipping my arms around her waist and resting my cheek against
her pelvis as I try to get my breathing under control.
    Not once did I think about the
crowd watching us, or if Magnus is pissed that was clearly a bit more
than I’m sure he
imagined happening, or even if Auralie’s mortified we did that
in front of all those people. I don’t think of anything other
than the fact that was my one and only crack at this gorgeous
creature, and now I’ve got to figure out a way to move past
this and put her out of my mind.


Chapter 8
    I pull Magnus’
rental Porsche into a parallel parking spot just one block off the
town square, almost giddy with excitement to have the opportunity to
explore Jackson. To say I was stunned this morning when Magnus woke
me up at the crack of dawn was an understatement. He burst into my
room, telling me that I needed to drive him to the airport as he had
an emergency back in New York he had to handle.
    There was no way I was going back
with him because he wasn’t
about to waste money on a plane ticket when I wasn’t necessary
to him there, and he also didn’t want me having any
face-to-face contact with my father. When I asked him what the
emergency was, my stomach dropped when he said with icy menace, “Your
father apparently can’t follow instructions. He’s going
to cause everything to crumble if I don’t get there and settle
things down.”
    Yeah, well, that’s
what you get, Magnus, when you get a two-bit hustler to run a long
con that’s completely out of his comfort zone.
    I worried, of course, for my
father. Magnus may at most times project an air of civility and
politeness about him, but that’s
just part of him staying in character. I’ve seen the nasty side
that gets out of control with blistering anger. While Magnus Albright
could never be compelled to violence as he might hurt his prissy,
delicate hands, he has enough goons on his payroll that his messages
are always imparted with brutal clarity as to his seriousness.
    So Dad has screwed up apparently,
and I’m worried for him, but I also have to remember that
Magnus left me here and this game hasn’t been played out to his
conclusion. He’s not going to do anything to my father that
will send me running, so I’m just going to have to hope my dad
didn’t fuck things up too badly and that Magnus can fix
whatever it is.
    And then he can come back here,
and we can get this finished. I can move on with my life then, which
most definitely includes a plan to pay Magnus back for making me do
    But for now, I’m
stuck in the picturesque town of Jackson. Although I’ve been
here a week, I haven’t left the rented house I shared with
Magnus except to go to The Silo. I was going stir crazy on top of
plain old crazy because of this shit I’ve landed myself into,
and now I’m going to spend a nice day just being a normal girl
on a very abnormal vacation.
    Over the next hour, I walk in and
out of various shops, most of them geared toward visiting tourists. I
spend twenty minutes alone in the studio of a photographer who
specializes in native wildlife, wishing I had time to

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