Last Kiss

Free Last Kiss by Laurelin Paige

Book: Last Kiss by Laurelin Paige Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurelin Paige
how did someone else get ahold of it?”
    “And why is this coming out now?” I added. The pictures were several weeks old, which was a lifetime in Hollywood.
    “Those are exactly my questions. Either someone hacked my e-mail or my investigator’s. My guess is that the photo was an accidental find by someone searching for access to my bank accounts. The hacker likely saw it and recognized an opportunity to make a little money by selling the image to the paparazzi.”
    Reeve’s supposition was very probable. Secure databases containing private e-mails were breached every day. I supposed even a control freak billionaire wasn’t immune to cybercriminal activity.
    Joe was less willing to buy the theory. “Are you positive this man of yours is someone you can trust?”
    “Anatolios has worked for me for over ten years and is the most faithful employee I have.” Reeve’s right-hand man was nothing if not loyal. “But, of course, I’m researching every possibility.”
    Joe’s body remained tight and his expression uncertain. “I’m sure you’ll understand if I want to do some research of my own.”
    “Of course I’ll understand.” Reeve’s smile was smug. “I appreciate that, actually, as well as your immediate response to something you recognized as a possible threat. It means a lot to me.”
    Understandably, Joe didn’t seem to know how to take Reeve’s acknowledgment. “Yeah. No problem.”
. Now there were two people digging into my relationship with Chris.
    Joe shifted as though he were getting ready to leave, but he stopped when Reeve asked, “Emily, what’s wrong?”
    I hadn’t realized my distress was so transparent. But perhaps it was a good thing to disclose my past in Joe’s presence. Reeve would have to control his temper then, wouldn’t he?
    “Nothing’s wrong,” I said, slowly. “Exactly. Just, if both of you are going to be looking into Chris and me, then there’s something I should tell you.” I took a deep breath and forced my eyes to meet Reeve’s. “We’ve been friends for several years, and, in the past, the friendship did have a… uh, physical nature.”
    A shadow fell over Reeve’s face, but he disciplined his features.
    Joe was smart enough to recognize the tension. “How long ago in the past?” he asked cautiously.
    “Before I was ever on
. Before he got engaged.”
Before you,
I added silently, my gaze never leaving my lover. “He’s made comments that have implied he’d be willing to have more now, but I’ve refused him.”
    Reeve’s brow rose slightly.
    “Then this might be coming from Blakely directly,” Joe suggested. “A sort of attempt at wish fulfillment or a way to get back at you for turning him down.”
    I let go of Reeve’s stare and looked to Joe. “I hadn’t considered that. But no, I don’t think so. Even though Chris wouldn’t mind cheating on his fiancée, he wouldn’t want that out in the open.”
    “Is that why you refused him?” It was the first time Reeve had spoken since my confession. “Because he was attached?”
    “Yes.” It had been the reason I’d refused him at the awards. “And then
was attached.” Now I’d admitted that my meeting with Chris the month before had met with a proposition. It might have been a detail I regretted divulging, but there was no way I’d ever be able to trust Reeve if I didn’t give him a chance to prove himself.
    And also I wanted to give him a chance to really trust
. Wanted to see if he
and there was no way that would happen if I weren’t completely honest.
    “Besides,” I said, attempting to lighten the mood with more truth, “he never really did it for me, if you know what I mean.”
    “Not quite as much information as I needed, but thank you for your candidness.” Joe turned to Reeve. “I’ll look into the possibility of that angle as well. It’s hard to guess what someone might reveal about himself if his ego has been bruised.” Joe’s

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