Waking Up in Vegas

Free Waking Up in Vegas by Romy Sommer

Book: Waking Up in Vegas by Romy Sommer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Romy Sommer
melamine coffee table across from the older man. Once Albert had taken a few long gulps of the cool water, he returned to his usual phlegmatic politician’s expression. But not without effort.
    “I’m not sure if you know this, but as soon as DNA testing became scientifically accepted, it was written into our constitution that all Arch Dukes would be tested on accession.”
    Max nodded. It was just like the scandal-fearing government to cover their asses, but it was a formality and no big deal.
    “There was an irregularity with your brother’s test.” Albert looked away, unable to conceal his embarrassment. “We checked it twice before we spoke with Prince Fredrik.”
    A slice of cold shivered down Max’s back. “What was the irregularity?”
    “Prince Fredrik is not after all your father’s son, it seems.”
    Silence fell. Albert shifted uncomfortably on the sofa.
    Max had no idea how long he stared at the man before the words actually made any sense. “Are you sure of this?”
    “The prince…your brother…went to talk to your mother. We haven’t seen him since, and your mother has locked herself in her private apartment and refuses to talk to anyone.”
    My God.
    Max dropped his head into his hands. Could it be possible? Had his mother cheated on their father? The mental calculations kept coming. Rik had been a honeymoon baby, and premature on top of that.
    Those were the oldest excuses in the book, weren’t they? Had his father known the bride he’d fallen in love with was pregnant with another man’s child?
    He rubbed his face. No, his father had most certainly not known. He’d always prized Westerwald’s honour above his own. He’d never have raised Rik to take over the reins if he’d known he wasn’t a blood heir.
    He’d have raised Max to do it instead.
    He lifted his head. “What do you need me to do?”
    “We have a press conference booked for ten tomorrow. There have already been rumours and there’s not much we can do to stop the press speculation. What we need to do now is damage control. We need to assure the press and the public that there will be no disruption to the nation. That you will take your father’s place as Arch Duke and life carries on the same in Westerwald. And somehow prevent your family’s name from being dragged any further through the mud.”
    Life carries on the same … not for Rik that was for sure. His heart contracted at the thought of what his brother must be going through right now.
    And not for him either. In the space of a heartbeat, nothing in Max’s life would ever be the same again. He needed to come clean with Phoenix and he needed to do it
    He rose and began to search for his cell phone. “How soon can we fly?”
    “The jet is fuelled and ready at the airport. Customs and passport control are standing by so we can leave immediately.”
    Max nodded. The cell phone was in the side pocket of his laptop bag. It took precious minutes to switch on. With agitated fingers he dialled Phoenix’s number.
    It went straight to voice mail. Damn. Of course it would. Her boss didn’t allow the staff to keep their cell phones on at work. He listened to her voice, until the beep sounded.
    What should he say?
    There was a lot he needed to say, but none of it could be left in a voice message.
    “Call me the moment you get this message.” He cut off the call. Not nearly enough.
    He glanced at the wall clock. She’d be at work for another three hours. They could drive past the casino where she worked…but that would take time. Time they didn’t have.
    He’d have to leave a note. He pulled the memo pad and pen from beside the phone.
    “We don’t have time for this,” Albert snapped impatiently. “The car is waiting, and we’re already behind schedule.”
    “Pack my bag while I write.”
    It was a measure of how serious the situation was that the most senior cabinet minister of a European nation accepted the order without hesitation. Max was sure the

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