The Stars Trilogy

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Book: The Stars Trilogy by Eve Montelibano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Montelibano
on the floor and peered at his face. His eyes were closed and he looked so pale, almost bluish.
    Fear slammed in her chest. She shook his shoulder gently. His head lolled to the side. “Oh my God! Ben?!”
    She put her hand under his nose. His breathing was very faint.
    “Oh my God, oh my God!”
    She ran toward the phone and called 911.
    In the middle of her frantic heartbeat and the rush of fear, she was able to describe Ben’s current condition to the 911 operator. She went back to Ben. She followed the operator’s instructions. Ben was apparently having a heart attack and although help was coming, there was no time to waste in such situations. Ben needed first aid.
    She managed to drag Ben’s limp body to the floor and made him lie down on his back. She applied chest compression on him. Being a Red Cross volunteer for a few years, she knew how to administer first aid but she’d never been in an emergency situation like this!
    Ben seemed to have lost consciousness. She did chest compressions several times. Then she was asked to perform CPR.
    Oh-em-gee! I have never been kissed! My innocent lips are for Dare!
    But she had to save poor Ben. Nobody was around to do it but her.
    She performed head-tilt-chin-lift maneuver to open his airway. Pinching his nose, she blew air into his lungs. She did it several times.
    “Ben, don’t die on me, dammit! You’re getting my first kiss by default so don’t you die on me! Breathe! Oh God, please, breathe!”
    She pumped his chest again. One, two, three…
    “911! Open up!”
    She jumped to her feet and dashed to open the door.
    The paramedics rushed into her flat.

    Chapter Four

“Hello, Dare:))) What’s up with you today? I think you heard me because you broke up with Nicolette already! Yaz! The tabloids are saying you’re going out with Giselle Bundchen. Whoaa!!! A supermodel?! (Sigh) I guess those girls just can’t leave you alone, can they? Okay, she seems nice. I’m not happy but...okay, you can date her. I joined a musical in our school and I’m playing the heroine. I’m so nervous but my drama teacher said I’m doing good. I’ll play Anastasia. I’ll send you some pics after the show next week. My parents and brother and my aunts and uncles and some cousins will be watching so you can imagine how nervous I am. Acting is not as easy as I first thought. Now, I admire you more for being such a great actor...Take care always.:)))

    CELINE ARRIVED AT BEN’S HOSPITAL SUITE with some groceries she bought from a supermarket. There was a man standing in front of the door, a tall, good-looking Mulatto with broad shoulders, buzz cut and a goatee. Looking fierce and formidable in his black business suit, he’d be really handsome if he smiled. But he looked like he could cut granite with his teeth.
    Why was he barring the door? She stopped in front of him. He didn’t budge from his position. He stared at her, his eyes unreadable.
    Well, he seemed not in the mood to play a happy doorman so she gifted him with her Julia Roberts smile. It always worked even on the grumpiest old man. “Hello. May I pass?”
    The man didn’t even move a muscle. His dark, smoldering eyes bored into her as if he was reading her mind. Fighting the urge to step back, she returned his piercing stare.
    “Good evening, ma’am. Are you a nurse?” At last, he spoke, his voice deep and respectful.
    “Then what is your business with Mr. Speedman?”
    “I’m…wait a minute, who are you?”
    “I’m Cruz.”
    “And what is your business with Mr. Speedman?” she fired back. He may be channeling Wayne Johnson’s tough guy look but she was not intimidated by this giant. She grew up surrounded by bodyguards and she could commandeer the lot of them like a 4-star general, to the chagrin of her father and brother.
    A small smile formed on his lips. “Ladies first.”
    She raised her chin haughtily. “I’m Celine, Mr. Speedman’s friend. I brought him to this hospital. What

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