The Stars Trilogy

Free The Stars Trilogy by Eve Montelibano

Book: The Stars Trilogy by Eve Montelibano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Montelibano
forgiven himself.
    For choosing her over Faye.
    The elevator doors opened. Someone was inside.
    Celine smiled when she saw it was Ben. “Good evening, Ben,”
    “Hello, Celine.”
    “You’re early tonight.”
    “Think I’m coming down with a flu.”
    Concerned, she touched his forehead. He felt warm.
    “Are you okay? Have you taken anything?”
    Ben shrugged. “I’ll just sleep it out. Been pressured at work lately. How have you been? You don’t seem like your usual cheerful self, my dear,”
    She sighed. “I think I’m giving up, Ben.”
    “How come, pumpkin?”
    “I got fired from my job today,” she said glumly.
    “Why? What happened?”
    “Some guy’s been wanting to get in my pants for weeks now. He implied something like if I didn’t sleep with him, I’d lose my job. He tried to get really lucky with me today so I let my knee get acquainted with his jewels.”
    Ben was sympathetic. “Good for you. Don’t let anybody treat you like that. Lots of lowlifes in Hollywood, kid.”
    “Yes. But unfortunately, he’s chummy with an assistant director so there goes my job, too.”
    Ben patted her shoulder. “We’ll get you another job. I’ll help you. I have connections.”
    Her shoulders sagged dejectedly. “I don’t think my dream will ever come true. I’ve tried and tried and tried but our paths just won’t cross. Maybe it’s time to give up.”
    Ben fell silent. He was squeezing and rubbing his arm up and down.
    “Are you sure you’re okay?”
    He nodded. “Yeah, yeah…”
    The elevator dinged on their floor. She stepped out of the lift. She paused when Ben didn’t follow. He remained standing there, leaning on the wall, massaging his chest. She went back to the lift and pushed the ‘open’ button. “Aren’t you coming?”
    Ben made a pained sound but stepped out of the lift. She held his arm to steady him because he was hobbling, dragging his feet on the carpeted hallway. “You don’t look okay, Ben.”
    “Nah, just having chest pains. Stress, you know. Work’s been a bitch lately.”
    “Difficult clients?’
    “You don’t know the half of it. This one I have right now is the worst of the lot.”
    “Then why don’t you dump this client?”
    “Because he’s a good friend. But I turned him down already. I couldn’t stand his demands.”
    She snorted. “Friends shouldn’t give you headaches.”
    “Ah, my dear, you’re so sweet. One of these days, I’m going to tell you what I do. Friends cut each other’s throat in my line of job.”
    “Then I don’t wanna hear about it. Are you hungry? I cooked something delicious last night.”
    That brought a smile to his lips. “You’ll feed this poor old man?”
    She laughed. “Of course! You’re my favorite neighbor!”
    They walked slowly toward their wing. He couldn’t seem to carry his weight and his breathing became labored.
    They reached her unit. She opened the door with her card key. They entered her flat.
    “Have a seat while I heat up the food.”
    She helped him settle on the sofa near the panoramic windows.
    “Wow, you sure have a really neat place, kid.”
    “Thanks. I did it myself!”
    “Cool. Maybe you should decorate mine, too.”
    “Sure! We’ll do your place soon. Just relax, okay? This won’t take long.”
    She got busy in her little kitchen. She knew Ben liked Chinese food. He would surely dig her Sesame Chicken.
    “You like rice, right?” she asked him over her shoulder.
    Ben just grunted in response.
    She heated the food in the microwave. The old man looked like he was indeed coming down with a flu, so she made some instant noodle soup. He needed to be hydrated.
    “I have some Flumadine if you’re okay to take them later,” she suggested.
    Ben didn’t make any sound. She turned to look at him. He was slumped on the sofa. “Ben?” Had he fallen asleep?
    No answer. She walked toward him and patted his shoulder. “Ben? Are you okay?”
    When he didn’t even move, she knelt

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