Stone Passions Trilogy

Free Stone Passions Trilogy by A. C. Warneke

Book: Stone Passions Trilogy by A. C. Warneke Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. C. Warneke
him even in her sleep? But then he felt another energy source and grimaced for she had grabbed a masturbatory enhancer. While it wouldn’t interfere with his spell, it was going to be annoying. The rhythmic pulsing of the droning, electric cock played havoc on a body in the ether realm.
    Gritting his teeth, he continued to send his own pulses of lust through her body, concentrating on the spell he was forming even as her passion built. Ignoring the humming, he continued whispering, “Tonight you experienced a normal New Year’s celebration. There was nothing out of the ordinary.”
    “Oooo,” she moaned, the pressure building. He didn’t have much time.
    “You did not meet anyone interesting,” he continued, trying not to rush the words, the spell. “You want to keep your life normal. You have no interest in magic or gargoyles.”
    He doubted she was even hearing what he was saying, which was as it should be. Why, then, was he so disappointed? The spell was doing exactly as it was supposed to do, and in a way that was far less challenging than he had expected. Perhaps that was what was bothering him, he wasn’t being challenged. Her body was tightening as she fought for release and it was time to finish it, finish her association with him and his brothers.
    “You no longer wish to remain in this building and you never want to return. In a few moments you are not going to remember any of this, my brothers, this building. When you wake in the morning all of it will be a dream that quickly fades.” As he said the last word, her sexual energy spiked and he felt her climax tumble over him, trying to suck him into the abyss and failing to do so.
    He could feel his essence being pulled back into his corporeal body, the coldness that reminded him that he was still part of the living. As tempting as it would be to remain in the ether world indefinitely, he enjoyed the physical realm too much to give it up all together. Even if he returned with an erection that required a manual release because the spiritual orgasm failed to bring him off. That was strange. Usually when he cast a spell of that magnitude, where sex was a necessary element, he returned bodily sated.
    Curling his fist around his cock, he frowned. He felt … betrayed because the girl had proven all too easy to seduce. Her submission was, well, anti-climactic. He had been hoping for more of a struggle on her part, a willingness to fight for Vaughn. All in all, it was best that he was able to ensure her capitulation so easily since she obviously wasn’t worthy of Vaughn’s affection.
    His body still bristled with latent power, power that he thought he was going to have to use but did not. Perhaps he had been mistaken about the girl, perhaps she was just like everyone else. But how to explain her ability to resist his powers of suggestion while he held her in his arms? It had to have been a fluke, some quirk of fate.
    It would be better not telling Vaughn how easy it was to ensure their secrets. It would only hurt him to know the girl wasn’t worth the effort after all, that she would not have been worth the sacrifice Armand was sure Vaughn would have made. In that, he was grateful.

    As Melanie lay in her bed and stared up at the ceiling, Vanessa’s soft snoring was the only sound in the room because Frankie had taken a cab home rather than crash at the small apartment. Melanie’s thoughts tumbled and somersaulted over one another. S few hours ago she had sex in the bathroom of a bar with a complete stranger. The Whimsical Melanie temporarily disappeared and for that moment she had been replaced with the Daring and Adventurous Melanie. The slightly stupid Melanie.
    The sexually satisfied Melanie.
    If she were to get involved with Vaughn – she loved that name, it suited him so well – she would be able to retire Simon. She would never have to bring herself to orgasm again. Hell, if she continued to have sex with Vaughn, she knew that personal,

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