Wild Card: Boys of Fall

Free Wild Card: Boys of Fall by Mari Carr

Book: Wild Card: Boys of Fall by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
own. He’s all I have.”
    His chest tightened as he thought about the stress Lorelie had been under since last June. Wade had called him shortly after finding out about Coach’s heart attack. Told him he was going back home. At the time, Glen thought Wade was a fool for leaving Nashville and he’d banked on his friend coming back. Even though they hadn’t toured together for a couple years prior to that, the two of them had found plenty of opportunities to meet for drinks at the bar and talk shop. Then Wade reconnected with Charlene in Quinn and stayed gone. Glen had missed him.
    “He’s doing better though, right?” Glen asked, recalling the conversation about Coach’s doctor’s appointment.
    “Oh yeah. He’s on the mend. Has been for a while.”
    “But you’re still worried.”
    She nodded. “That’s not going to go away. Ever. I know that. I just need to find a way to deal with it.”
    “Sounds to me like you need to let go. Have some fun.”
    Lorelie gave him the sexiest grin he’d ever had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of. “My friends suggested I get laid. But your idea sounds okay too.”
    He cleared a throat that had suddenly gone tight. “I think you should listen to your friends. They know you better than I do.”
    Lorelie laughed loudly. “Wanna help me shake off some of this rust?”
    As far as invitations went, Glen was pretty sure that was the hottest offer he’d ever received. Lorelie twisted toward him again and he answered with a kiss rather than words.
    Any tentativeness or hesitance was gone. There was no denying they both felt the attraction. And they were both diving off the cliff.
    He lifted Lorelie’s legs, tugging them over his thighs, running one hand over her hip. She was wearing tight jeans that fit her like a second skin. She was long, lean and the most beautiful woman he’d ever met. As they kissed, he imagined lowering her to the booth and—
    A loud knock on the table distracted them and had Lorelie jumping slightly.
    As they broke apart, they looked over at the three new bottles of beer Carter had placed on the table. With a very heavy hand.
    “Okay, darlin’,” Carter said, looking directly at Lorelie. “I might be off duty, but that doesn’t mean I won’t arrest you two for public indecency if you don’t knock it off.”
    Lorelie narrowed her eyes, undaunted. “Listen, Carter—”
    “No,” Carter interrupted. “You listen. You’re lucky you got me instead of one of the other guys.” He turned his attention to Glen. “I’m the peaceful one.”
    Glen chuckled. He’d spent the better part of the day in a boat with Carter, and he really liked the guy. He actually liked all of Lorelie’s protectors. “I appreciate you taking the lead then. Don’t suppose we could call a truce, could we?”
    Carter dropped down next to Lorelie in the booth and took a swig of one of the beers. Glen picked up another, lifting it in a quick toast of thanks. Lorelie remained quiet, her scowl growing darker by the minute.
    “What do you have in mind?” Carter asked.
    “While I appreciate the introductions to all the single ladies around here, I’m afraid I’m not interested in Ruby or Stacy—or whoever else y’all might have waiting in the wings.”
    Carter glanced from Glen to Lorelie. “Yeah. I can see that.”
    “Carter—” Lorelie started again, her tone still fairly hostile.
    Glen placed his hand on her knee under the table to stop her. If Carter saw the action, he didn’t let on.
    “I’m hoping to spend more of my time in Quinn with Lorelie. I appreciate that you guys feel protective of her. And I understand why.” Glen gave Lorelie a smile. “She’s something special.”
    Lorelie rolled her eyes, but her face reflected pure delight. “You trying to sweeten Carter up or me?”
    “You wanna go out with me one night next week, Lori?”
    She nodded. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
    Carter frowned. “Thought you were heading to

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