Long Ride The Slayers MC #3)

Free Long Ride The Slayers MC #3) by Tara Oakes

Book: Long Ride The Slayers MC #3) by Tara Oakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Oakes
feel anything like Baby did.” I hope my own situation serves as a valuable lesson for him.
    “Yeah, I am. I’m workin’ on somethin’ now that should really cheer her up,” he hints.
    “Oh?” I could use a distraction right now. “What?”
    Dawson nervously scratches his short beard. “Gonna adopt the kid. Sasha, her niece. She’s the girl’s mom in every other way so we might as well make it official. Then Angel don’t have to worry no more about losin’ her one day.”
    Really? Wow, that’s not at all what I was expecting. “She gonna adopt the kid on her own or are you gonna be a part of this, too?”
    I’ve seen how Dawson is with Sasha. He loves her. I never thought I’d see the day when Dawson McCade was a father figure to anything but it looks like it’s happened.
    “Yeah. Give the kid a real family.” He sounds sure of the decision.
    Now’s my turn to pat him on the back. “You’re goin’ from being single to settled down with an Ol’ lady and two kids pretty fast, brother. Let’s get you a drink. You’re gonna need it.”

    Your average person would have no fucking clue how to find a junkie. Not me, though. I’m sure I can track her down in no time at all.
    “Tina Donovan. Two years older than Angel,” I give Gryff the basic information. “Here,” I hand over a corroborating photo, the only one I could find in Angel’s photo album of her and her sister.
    My VP studies the worn picture just as I had. “She’s a fox. A ten, easy. Looks just like Angel, too.”
    He’s right. They could probably even pass for twins if it weren’t that Angel was so much shorter than Sasha’s mom. My girl is practically a sprite, she’s so petite. Tina on the other hand, looks to be about five foot six or so.
    “Yeah? Well she’s also a junkie that abandoned her kid, so look for your next fuck someplace else. Just find her. I’ve got some papers that she’ll be needing to sign.” I cut Gryff down. He’s like a rabid dog in heat, looking to hump anything with tits.
    Normally I’d think twice about giving him the assignment, but there are two reasons why I changed my mind. The first, is that everyone else has their hands full right now. Stitch is going through his shit with adjusting to being home, and with him being on probation, the last thing I need is for his ass to get caught visiting local drug houses looking for this chick. Chase has gotten his hands full acting as middle-man between us and the Kingsmen over in Chisolm, who have been trying to schedule a sit down for the past few days. Uno, the prospects and a handful of brothers are helping Trix set up for the carnival this weekend.
    The second reason I feel it’s safe to put Gryff on this is that Tina is a junkie. Now, just because we bring the shit into town to supply the dealers, it doesn’t necessarily mean I condone my boys personally using the junk, but I know some of them like to hit a line or two every once and again.
    All except for Gryff.
    The man can drink his weight in booze for sure, but wouldn’t dare think about sticking a needle or some powder in his body. He’s too vain and paranoid to mess with “perfection”, as he likes to call it.
    Every single waking moment that’s not spent with us, is spent at the gym and drinking those goddamned nasty green shakes he’s always guzzling. He even tried to give up meat once, thinking it would help with his endurance.
    Once me and the boys found out about that, we stepped in, eating nothing but T-bones and bacon cheeseburgers around him until he caved. I mean, you want to drink some spinach looking milkshake, by all means, go ahead. You wanna spend your free time lifting shit up and throwing it down, go right ahead. But I draw the line at my boys becoming some kind of new-age, hippie, vegan, cultish freaks.
    So, given his high opinion of what goes in and out of his body, I think he’s the safest bet to send gallivanting around to drug dens and

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