Cowboy Jackpot: Valentine's Day

Free Cowboy Jackpot: Valentine's Day by Randi Alexander

Book: Cowboy Jackpot: Valentine's Day by Randi Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randi Alexander
neck and kissed a sensitive
spot he'd never realized he had, just under his ear, down to his collarbone.
    The added sensory input clicked his brain closer to the edge
of bliss.
    Angling his hips, he rubbed the hair on his abdomen against
her, tightening his muscles to brush against her clit with each pump of his
cock. He knew he'd reached her nub when her kisses turned to bites, her body
tensed, and her breathing became needy moans.
    She moved her hips, taking more of him inside her, rubbing
her clit harder against him, and sliding her diamond-hard nipples against his
chest. "Yes, I'm coming. Now, Dallas."
    He pistoned harder, driving into her, letting his body
fracture as his shaft swelled with a last burst of blood, his balls pumped cum
into her, and his head spun with his release, flashes of light colliding and
shattering. Rolling waves of heat trickled down his spine and flared in his
belly, pumping another load of cum through his cock.
    Gradually his brain function returned, and his eyesight was
restored. He caught her soft whispers against his neck.
    "Dallas. You're amazing. Every time, it's better."
    "Kira, girl, you're…" He
had to stop speaking before he blurted something that he'd regret. Like the
word "love" or "forever" or "move in with me." Instead,
he kissed her, pulling his staff out of her slick, warm slit and gently set her
on her feet.
    She wobbled, and he picked her up, carrying her to the
couch. "Wait a second." From the bedroom closet, he grabbed a blanket
and wrapped her in it. "Be right back."
    After using the bathroom, he sat beside her on the couch and
pulled her into his arms.
    She snuggled in, closing her eyes. "Tell me about your
    He blinked back from the near doze he'd fallen into.
"Okay." He didn't talk about them much, but this was Kira, and after
what they'd shared already, it felt okay.
    "Gigi told me they died, and that you live in an
apartment in Reno, but that's all." She looked up at him, her eyes a soft
shade of green. "Maybe I shouldn't have asked."
    "No." He snugged her head back against his chest.
"It's fine. They died when I was nineteen. A…house fire."
    She sucked in a breath and wrapped her arm around his waist,
holding tight.
    "I was already on the rodeo circuit. I had to fly home
from Denver." The coroner hadn't let him see the bodies, but horrible
pictures of what they must have looked like were never far from his thoughts.
"They'd died in their sleep of smoke inhalation."
    "That's a…small comfort." Her voice shook.
    "It is." Kissing the top of her head, he inhaled
her floral scent. "I had what was left of the house razed, the foundation
dug out and filled in. I rent the land out to Boone's parents to farm."
    "Is it close to their property?" She lifted her
head and smiled. "Evidently, huh? Or else they couldn't farm it."
    He ran his knuckles on her cheek. Damn, the way she made him
feel; happy, relaxed, even when he spoke of the most depressing pieces of his
life. "It adjoins theirs, and part of it runs along Boone's property,
where we want to open the rodeo school."
    "That's great. Are you going to use the land as part of
the school?"
    "Possibly, depending on how much room we need to
pasture the livestock."
    Her smile lit her face. "Isn't it exciting? You have
the money to make that happen."
    Nodding, he watched her for any hint of deception.
"With my half of the jackpot, we can move forward a bit faster."
    Her eyes shifted and she laid her head back onto his chest.
"Maybe a lot faster."
    What did she mean by that? Why wasn't he able to trust her?
He laid his head on the back of the couch. God, he had problems. "Your
turn. What's the story of your family?"
    No answer. Her deep, even breaths told him she was asleep.
    A persistent beeping woke Kira. She opened her eyes to the
furry, warm chest of her cowboy.
    He snored lightly.
    The beeping was her phone about to die. She kissed Dallas's
chest gently, covered him with the blanket, and slid away. They'd had a

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