The Best of Kristina Wright

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Book: The Best of Kristina Wright by Kristina Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Wright
shifted until she was lying on her back, still nestled against his muscular shoulder. He touched her gently, parting the lips of her pussy with his fingers. She wasn’t aroused yet, but she knew his soft touches would get her there fast. Sighing, she spread her thighs so he could continue his exploration.
    He rested one finger at her opening as he cupped her mound in his warm palm. He gently squeezed her, letting just the tip of his finger slip inside her. She gasped at the dual sensations and pushed her pelvis up to meet his touch.
    Sunshine streamed through the half-closed blinds, casting dappled light across their bed and making his reddish blond hair look like spun gold. The quiet was soothing, with only the soft sounds of her sighs and the rustle of the bed linens. Charlotte could feel her thigh muscles tensing in anticipation of his touch and she forced herself to relax and breathe slowly. She had all the time in the world to enjoy this. Neither of them had to go to work, no one was in the next room, there was no pressing need to leave the bedroom until hunger drove them out of bed.
    Still, she couldn’t help but wiggle against his hand, silently urging him to push his finger deep inside her. He resisted, keeping it just inside her pussy and making small circles. She sighed, impatient for more.
    “You got in awfully late last night,” he said, his voice still gravelly with sleep. “I missed you.”
    She could feel his cock, thick and hard, pressing against her hip. She’d been so focused on his gentle, teasing touch, she hadn’t noticed he was already fully aroused.
    “Sorry. You know how the girls are,” she said. “But I missed you, too. You looked so sweet when I got home.”
    “Why didn’t you wake me?” He kissed the top of her head as he continued to stroke her.
    She sighed sleepily. “I was so tired by the time I took a shower I just wanted to curl up and go to sleep.”
    He stroked her pussy gently. “I would have helped you get to sleep.”
    “This is so much better than sleeping,” she whispered, covering his hand with her own. “That feels good.”
    “Want more?”
    She nodded against his shoulder. “Yes, please.”
    Slowly, he pushed his finger inside her. “You’re getting wet.”
    “Imagine that.”
    He kept up his slow circles, teasing her with his warm touch. “Naughty girl.”
    Charlotte hooked her leg over his, spreading herself even wider for his touch. “Oh yes,” she said, ending on a sigh as his finger slid deeper. “I think I want more.”
    He added a second finger inside of her. “Like that?”
    She moaned, arching off the bed to take his fingers inside her. “Just like that.”
    He stroked her slowly, her wetness coating his fingers. She could hear the liquid sounds her pussy made as he stroked her. The noise was as arousing as this slow build up of tension. She squirmed against his hand, eager for more but willing to let him set the pace.
    She reached down and fondled his cock just as slowly as he was touching her. He made a soft sound of approval and pushed against her hip. She smiled, sure she could hold out at this languid pace longer than he could.
    He apparently didn’t want her to think she had the upper hand because he upped the ante by pressing his thumb to her swollen clit. She jumped as if shocked and clamped her thighs around his hand.
    Ian chuckled. “I wanted to make sure you were awake.”
    She harrumphed as she swirled her thumb over the tip of his cock, catching a bead of wetness along the way. “I’m as
as you are, sweetheart.”
    His fingers glided into her, curving upward to stroke the inside of her pussy. She was still tender from the previous day, but she was getting wetter as he touched her. A familiar ache began to build inside her and she felt her nipples pucker in response to her growing arousal. Ian’s arm was beneath her neck and he reached down to stroke the swell of her breast, the dark edge of her hard

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