The Best of Kristina Wright

Free The Best of Kristina Wright by Kristina Wright

Book: The Best of Kristina Wright by Kristina Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Wright
could concentrate on what he was doing to her body. She focused on the sensation of his cock gliding into her, the way her body clung to him as he slowly withdrew before pushing back inside. She arched her back a little more, feeling his cock angle down.
    “Right there,” she gasped.
    He thrust into her, faster now, pulling her hair taut until she felt like a bowstring humming with tension. She reached the breaking point as he curved over her, whispering in her ear, “Come for me, babe.”
    She couldn’t help it, she let out a loud, lingering moan as her orgasm washed over her. She opened her eyes, meeting his eyes in the mirror so he could see what he had done to her. He watched her as he continued to fuck her through her orgasm, sweat glistening at his fine-boned temple.
    “Yes, oh god,” she gasped, feeling as if she were being turned inside out. “Terrence!”
    Terrence made a sound low in his throat and went still against her. Her pussy rippled along the length of his engorged cock and, with one hard thrust that elicited another soft moan from her, he was coming, too. Eyes closed, he pumped into her a few times before going still again. He leaned over her back, his damp forehead against her cheek when she turned her head.
    “Oh my. That was nice,” was all she could manage to say.
    She felt, rather than heard, his rumble of laughter. “That’s one way to describe it,” he said, nipping her earlobe. “You really
    “Yes, I am,” she whispered.
    Still feeling the lingering tremors of her orgasm, she became acutely aware of their risky position. Reluctantly, she shifted beneath him. His cock slid out of her and she felt empty. Wetness streaked down her inner thighs and she met his gaze in the mirror, smiling contritely.
    “I need to clean up,” she said. “Think you can sneak out while I make myself presentable?”
    Terrence’s laugh was pure masculine satisfaction. “You are perfectly presentable. You just look as if you’ve been well fucked.”
    She shifted her gaze to her own face and realized he was right. Her hair was mussed and her cheeks were flushed. Her dark red lipstick was smeared and she was fairly certain she’d left some behind on Terrence’s cock. Her eyes sparkled in a way that suggested she had a very delicious secret – which she did. She shook her head. “Well, I’ll do the best I can.”
    Terrence straightened his clothes and tucked his still-damp cock back into his trousers. “I don’t think it’ll be a late night for me. I’m wiped.”
    “Oh, poor baby,” she said. “Every woman in the club will be disappointed to see you go.”
    Terrence gave her a tired, teasing grin. “I only care about the woman who just came on my cock.”
    She didn’t really believe that, of course, but it was sweet of him to say so. Terrence was still young and wild and unlikely to settle for one woman when he could have three, but he had good manners. “That was lovely, darling.”
    He listened at the door before turning the lock. “Give me a call, babe. It’s been too long and I’d like to do this properly sometime soon.”
    “I will. Promise.”
    Charlotte smiled as he slipped out, giving her a rakish wink as he went. She locked the door behind him and met her own smudged eyes in the mirror. “See you in four weeks, darling boy,” she whispered as she set about taming her hair back into place. “Maybe.”
    Charlotte awoke at dawn, naked, and cuddled against Ian’s warm, bare chest. She felt a pleasant kind of soreness through her entire body which seemed to radiate from between her thighs. Sighing contentedly, she tucked in close to Ian and breathed in his clean, masculine scent.
    Just as she started to drift off again, she felt his hand shift from her hip to between her thighs. She squirmed, thinking he was still asleep by the sound of his steady breathing. Then his fingers began a gentle probing that let her know he was awake – and wanting her.
    Silently, she

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