At His Pleasure: Addie Learns the Ropes

Free At His Pleasure: Addie Learns the Ropes by Emme Salt

Book: At His Pleasure: Addie Learns the Ropes by Emme Salt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emme Salt
their wrists.
    Growing up I had some nice things, sure. Mom and dad even got me a bracelet from Tiffany’s for my Sweet Sixteen birthday party. But this was a whole other level of luxury.
    I flicked my hair back and headed straight into the closest store. Well. When it comes to shopping, no one intimidates Adeline Curtis.
    The first things I bought were some beautiful pieces of lace lingerie. I'd never had the excuse to buy it before, but now I had a very good reason to wear it. After that, Louis Vuitton for some new luggage, like Mr. Banks told me to get...then a chic little clutch from Chanel...
    As I went from shop to shop, my arms filling up with bags, I wondered if Mr. Banks had put a limit on my credit card. Didn’t seem to, as the purchases added up...and I got a little dizzy looking at the receipts. By the end of the day I realized that I'd spent more on clothes than my entire internship’s pay for the summer. Weird how fast that could happen…
    I rode back to the Four Seasons surrounded by my new clothes and purses and accessories. I mean, Mr. Banks couldn’t complain, right? It’s what he told me to do. After all, I was thinking about him and his reaction when I tried on every item. Maybe I could give him a little show...see what dress or teddy or thong he liked best. I loved the way he ran his eyes up my body, over all my curves, like he couldn’t get enough of me.
    Every time I thought about those stormy eyes I felt a tingle in my stomach.
    I couldn’t wait to see him.
    * * * *
    When I got back to the suite he still hadn’t returned. I unpacked my new bits and pieces and tried everything on again, admiring the way I looked in the mirror, but that only entertained me for so long. I spritzed on some Miss Dior perfume, put on my prettiest piece of lingerie and lay down on the couch to wait for Mr. Banks to come back, wishing I’d brought an iPad or even a book. I like to think I’m pretty patient for my age, but let’s be honest, that’s not saying much.
    I watched horrible cable TV for a while before I got annoyed and started pacing the rooms. I ordered room service, but only got through half a plate of cheesy fries before I got bored again. The entire suite felt like it was a luxurious cage.
    Still dressed in my lacy pink chemise, I was about to take a nap when I realized that Mr. Banks had left his laptop on the desk in the living room.
    Hm. Maybe I should get started on scheduling next week…
    I knew his password, after all, since it was my job to sort through the hundreds of emails that came in every day. And since I had already seen the naughty things he kept on his desktop computer—I blushed as I thought about it—what was the harm? Best thing that could happen: life doesn’t suck for me once we get back from Miami because I’ve fallen behind on everything I’m supposed to do. I didn’t have a company laptop here, anyway, so he must have expected me to use his laptop to get through my to-dos.
    Sitting down at the desk, I opened the laptop and idly opened his email. Same old same old. More Apex emails. Blah. Stuff about a summit in two weeks in Yokohama — boy, it’s going to be fun trying to book those plane tickets at this point. Even more Apex emails. Blah blah blah.
    Yawning, I clicked on his calendar and added in the days of the summit. I was about to click out of the program when I saw that he’d left his browser running.
    What’s this?
    I wondered if he did it on purpose. He probably knew I’d be looking, and had maybe left me some sexy photos to look at. Or even better, a fun video to watch. Something to warm me up for him, leave me horny and dripping for when he returned. I smiled to myself. He was always so, so creative when it came to making me wet for him.
    I clicked on the browser. It was his email—his personal email account.
    I can’t believe he even has one , I thought to myself, and giggled. Does the man do anything but work and fuck his secretary?
    I was about to

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