Just Breathe
and read it.
    To my favourite library ninja. It was nice not bumping into you again. Dominic.
    The momentary disappointment of the card not being from Jason is quickly overshadowed by Dominic’s message. I feel a grin highlight my face and don’t try to stop it; until I notice Dominic leaning just inside the door with a shy expression. Biting the insides of my cheeks, I clear my throat. “Haven’t you already been helped today, sir?”
    He steps forward. “Yes, but there was one more thing I needed help with.”
    “And what was that?”
    “I need to know how to ask this amazing woman out.” Dominic stops as he reaches the counter. Mary-Margaret and Jan have put two and two together at this point. Jan elbows Mary-Margaret, and Mary-Margaret grabs Jan’s arm in suspense. Filthy voyeurs.
    “She’s amazing?” The butterflies move from my stomach to my chest.
    He nods.
    “Have you tried sending her flowers?” I subdue a smile.
    “Yeah, but I’m worried she might think it’s lame, and I’m not sure what to do next. I don’t even know if she’s single—”
    “She’s single!” Mary-Margaret exclaims. Jan nods emphatically.
    Dominic’s relieved smile says it all. “So, Elle, what do you think I should do? Do you think she’d even be interested in a guy like me?”
    “Well.” I swallow. “It couldn’t hurt to give it a shot.”
    “For crying out loud, just ask her!” Jan exclaims. I laugh and blush.
    “Elle, would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?” Dominic turns a little pink himself. Mary-Margaret and Jan lean toward us, straining to hear my answer, like flowers reaching for the sun. I smell the bouquet and take my time answering, just to torture the girls, then abandon the pretence of nonchalance.
    “I’d love to.”
    “Great! Pick you up at eight?”
    “Sure.” I scribble my number and address on a slip of paper. “Here’s my info.”
    He takes the paper and carefully folds it. “See you tomorrow, Elle.” He walks out, and Jan and Mary-Margaret start in with the questions, clucking over me like a couple overwrought hens. I soak it all in. I can’t wait until tomorrow night.

Chapter Eight
    Damn. Damn, damn, damn. Why did I agree to go on a date? This is insane. I’m not ready to date yet. I’ll just call him and explain that, what, that I had a mutual split that I was okay with but all of a sudden I’m not ready to date? No. Can I justify an illness? No, he could always stop by my work and witness my miraculous recovery. And what the hell, he’s a nice guy—more than nice. And his voice is epic, and he liked the books I recommended and damn it, I’m going out with him!
    I will not sit around waiting for Jason, no matter how many pocket dials I get. Not that I was pining for him to come back to me. I’m waiting for him to come to his senses and come crawling back, wherein I will scoff so loud I hurt my throat and thoroughly reject his pathetic ass. So there.
    Dominic doesn’t even really know me and he managed to buy me my favourite flowers. Jason couldn’t even do that when I told him what they were! It’s a sign. Well, I’m taking it as a sign. I’m so nervous. I hate first dates more than most people because of my synaesthesia. It limits the things I can do. Movies and concerts are generally out, I hate clubbing because the music is torturous, dinner’s okay, but can be boring if that’s the entire date. Dominic doesn’t even know about my condition so this should be interesting. Interesting and awkward.
    My dating history has been pretty crappy. Most guys tend to throw up their hands in frustration and just decide I’m not worth the hassle after a couple dates. I can’t say that I really blame them all that much. But I’m not the type to say that my boyfriend can’t go somewhere if I can’t.
    My reaction to sound can be positive or negative, sometimes benign; a song may just sound and feel mildly swirly. If I don’t like a type of music,

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