The Stillness of the Sky

Free The Stillness of the Sky by Starla Huchton

Book: The Stillness of the Sky by Starla Huchton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Starla Huchton
what I did about my mother, it felt unquestionably true. Her lullabies and stories when I was a child consistently put me to sleep without fail, and her songs during my wakeful hours kept me in high spirits as we worked the land. I’d always known of her talents, but I’d never heard about Bards such as he spoke of.
    I yawned, suddenly overcome by crushing fatigue. “Pardon me,” I said, covering my mouth. “It’s been a very long day.”
    “Oh, you must be exhausted, poor thing,” Lady Oria said as she jumped to her feet. The movement rocked the table, and with it, my chair, doing nothing for my exhaustion. “Let me fetch another trundle for you to sleep in.” She bounded out of the room, hefting her skirts to keep from tripping over them in her haste.
    “There’s no need for so much trouble on my account,” I said as I yawned again. My head felt fuzzy, so I leaned it back against the chair, my eyes already drooping closed.
    “There now,” Prince Aaron said, his voice kind, soothing me further. “Rest yourself. The magic is draining, and you need to sleep. Don’t worry over a thing.”
    I made to say something to him, but my words jumbled on my tongue and I couldn’t manage it. I was fast asleep before Lady Oria could return.

Chapter 6

    The smell of fresh bread stirred me from slumber, but I was so warm and comfortable, I had little desire to open my eyes. My stomach, however, had other ideas, and let out a loud groan of displeasure at my loafing about in bed.
    I frowned and sat up. In bed? I had no memory of moving from the chair, yet there I was on the plushest mattress I’d ever lain upon, covered in light blankets softer than rabbit fur. My boots sat to the side of the bed, clean and polished, though I hadn’t removed those either.
    “Good morning,” Prince Aaron said, smiling at me over a tea cup. “Sleep well?”
    I rubbed my eyes and tried to get my bearings. “I… Yes, I think so. What happened? What time is it?”
    A clock on the far side of the study let out a single chime. “A quarter after nine. You must’ve been very tired after your ordeal. Not that I blame you, of course,” he said. “Hungry?”
    My stomach gurgled again. “If it’s not too much trouble.”
    He waved it off. “Don’t be silly. Oria just came with bread, cheese, and fruit, and there’s plenty for us both. Tea?”
    I slung my legs over the side of the bed, wincing a little at the cold contact with the metal floor, and stood, stretching. “Please. Thank you, Highness.”
    “No thanks needed,” he said as I crossed to the table. “Sugar?”
    “One lump, thank you, Sire,” I said sitting down across from him.
    He poured the steaming brew over the sugar in my cup. “You needn’t bother with the formalities. Aaron will do fine.”
    I blanched. “I don’t think I should—”
    “I insist,” he said, interrupting me. “I’m not at court, and I’ve no intention of being so again. It’s nearly two years since I’ve been addressed by title, and, to be honest, I don’t miss it. So, if you’d indulge me, I’d appreciate it.”
    “If it’s not prying,” I stared into my teacup, wondering how he came by hot water when there was no fire, “why is it that you’re here? I doubt we left our respective homes for the same reasons, so what made you leave?”
    As he leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifted over my head, staring at something on the far wall as he spoke. “I left because I’m selfish, and I realized that the people of Litania deserved far better than that. While I’ve never been given to bouts of modesty where my strengths are concerned, I’m not beyond admitting where I fail. The truth of it is, I simply didn’t want to be king. As the eldest of three sons, my father wouldn’t hear of that, naturally. My middle brother, Gustave, has always had the better temperament for ruling. He greatly enjoys his time with the army, and has the patience of a saint when it comes to matters of state.

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