Brody's Vow (Colebrook Siblings Trilogy Book 1)

Free Brody's Vow (Colebrook Siblings Trilogy Book 1) by Kaylea Cross

Book: Brody's Vow (Colebrook Siblings Trilogy Book 1) by Kaylea Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaylea Cross
like that guy from Legends of the Fall , but I was a Marine for a long time and I know when something doesn’t feel right.”
    Trinity opened her mouth to downplay his concern but he cut her off with a shake of his head.
    “If you’re in trouble, then this is as safe a place as any for you.”
    “Trouble?” Wyatt asked, aiming a frown at her.
    Senior tossed him a quelling look then focused back on her. “My sons and I can definitely watch out for you until you’re better.”
    Her cheeks heated. It wasn’t often that someone saw through her like that, let alone call her on her bullshit, but she still had to fight the urge to tell him she was every bit as well trained as they were. Brody must have told him about last night. He and his sons had been nothing but kind to her though and she knew he was just trying to help.
    “I really should go,” she said instead. All her instincts told her to leave and keep moving. It was what she’d been trained to do.
    “Give it another day or two,” Brody said, causing her to look over at him. Those dark eyes held hers and again she felt that deep, magnetic pull deep in her belly.
    Another day or two might not seem like much to someone else, but in her world it was an eternity. He didn’t know what she’d done or what she was up against. Who she was up against.
    Tino’s network had a long reach. They’d be watching airports and bus stations, train stations. She still doubted anyone would have been able to track her here, but she couldn’t rule out that possibility entirely. She didn’t want to put Brody or his family in any further danger by staying.
    “Wyatt,” Senior said abruptly as she and Brody kept staring at each other. “I need a hand with something outside.”
    Wyatt frowned at him but lowered his coffee cup into the sink and pushed away from the counter.
    “Let’s go, Sarge,” Senior said to the basset hound, who groaned and got to his feet, waddling after his master on his short little legs.
    Wyatt gave her one last curious glance before heading out the door behind his father. “Grits. Come.” Grits scrambled after him, toenails clicking on the wooden floor, and disappeared out the door with a happy swish of his tail.
    In the silence that followed Brody set his cup down and crossed to her. She had the strongest urge to back away, but held her ground. He stopped a foot away, close enough for her to smell the scent of soap and coffee, and for her to feel herself getting lost in his dark brown eyes.
    Not good.
    “You need more recovery time,” he said softly, his deep voice like an intimate caress. “Not to mention food and sleep. I may not know you, but even I can tell you’re nowhere near the top of your game right now. Give it another day or two. Do you even have a plan figured out yet?”
    “Yes.” Of course she had a damn plan. She hadn’t lived this long, doing what she did, without being able to improvise and adapt quickly to whatever happened.
    The growing attraction between them felt strange and she immediately tried to quell her response because she didn’t trust it. Even if she was open to a mutually satisfying fling, it wasn’t going to be with someone so closely tied to Matt and Briar. That just felt too awkward and personal. She liked to keep her private life secret, and well removed from every other aspect of her life. It was the only part of her life that was truly hers, and she guarded it fiercely.
    “There are people after me. I don’t want to put you or your family at further risk. You’ve done more than enough for me already, now it’s time for me to move on.”
    Rather than answer he lifted a hand, reached up as though he was going to touch her face.
    Trinity held her breath as he gently eased the hair away from the side of her face. His fingertips brushed her cheek, light as a sigh, yet she felt it all over. Her nipples tightened against her bra and a burst of arousal sparked in her belly. She had the strongest urge to lean

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