Channeler's Choice

Free Channeler's Choice by Heather McCorkle

Book: Channeler's Choice by Heather McCorkle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather McCorkle
own against Patli in both spear fighting and hand to hand combat. Her secret boxing practices with Caitlin were also making progress. Caitlin told her that pretty soon she’d have to find a more advanced fighting partner. Eren took that as a very good sign.
    “ We should all do something special for Valentine’s Day,” Aiden said.
    Eren’s gaze shot to Fane who was trying to look anywhere but at Caitlin. The two of them weren’t exactly a couple yet, but they were getting close to making it official. At least, Eren hoped they were.
    “ Sounds like fun,” Caitlin said as she reached over and grabbed Fane’s hand.
    Fane smiled at her from beneath his long eyelashes and looked down at their clasped hands as his face started to redden. It was the first time they had held hands that Eren had seen.
    In the background, the hinges of the doors to the school squeaked and footsteps sounded on the concrete. Since kids had been drifting out, none of them bothered to turn and see who it was. A nagging sensation told Eren she should, but she couldn’t peel her eyes off Aiden. The way the tight blue muscle shirt clung to him was riveting. Silly, she knew, but she couldn’t help it, maybe it was pre-spring fever, or the talk of Valentine’s Day.
    “ Where should we go?” she asked.
    “ I was thinking we’d go to the city for dinner and a movie. That is, if your aunt will let us drive your car that far,” Aiden said.
    Considering that she had been practicing both channeling and fighting so much, Eren figured her aunt wouldn’t worry about their safety. The planes of Aiden’s shirt made her realize there were other things Aunt Sylvia would definitely worry about. Eren thought maybe if Aunt Sylvia met Caitlin first and saw that it would be a double date, it would help.
    “ Awesome. It would be great to get out of this Podunk town,” Caitlin said.
    “ You said it, girl,” Eren agreed. It was good to hear that she wasn’t the only one who got tired of living in a small, isolated town.
    “ I would love the chance to experience American culture,” Fane said, excitement creeping into his voice.
    “ Then it’s a date. Your mom can’t resist the both of us. We are way too charming,” Aiden said.
    Fane laughed and high-fived Aiden with his free hand. Just then, Eren noticed a figure creeping from the sidewalk onto the grass next to them.
    “ You guys are going to the city? I’d love to go,” Bridget said as she approached them.
    Her words grated on Eren’s nerves like broken glass. Eren’s eyes widened and she shot Caitlin a look of disbelief. Either the girl couldn’t take a hint or they hadn’t made themselves clear last time. Eren wondered how long had she been eavesdropping.
    Aiden’s energy spiked, carrying a distinct flavor of hostility that popped along Eren’s arms. He sat up and shot Bridget a glare. His extreme level of anger towards the girl was starting to make Eren wonder. While she couldn’t agree more, she wasn’t entirely sure what brought it on. Sure, the girl was pushy and obnoxious and had her eye on Aiden, but she hadn’t made a move on him, or had she?
    “ It’s a double date and you’re not invited,” Caitlin snapped.
    Bridget glared at Caitlin, causing her to stiffen and pull her legs up beneath her. Knowing she was getting ready to pounce, Eren reached out and put her hand on Caitlin’s arm. Caitlin’s muscles relaxed and she settled back down, but the fire remained in her blue eyes.
    “ I’m sorry, I didn’t think you could possibly be dating a fourteen-year-old,” Bridget said.
    Shooting out from underneath Eren’s hand, Caitlin leaped to her feet, but thankfully, so did Fane, and he stepped in front of her. Caitlin pressed up against his back, glaring over his shoulder at Bridget.
    “ It would be in your best interest not to insult my girl. If you do it again, I will not hold her back. Besides, I’m fifteen,” Fane warned in a steady, commanding voice.
    “ Oh, sorry. I

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