The Alphas' Bliss

Free The Alphas' Bliss by G.J. Cox

Book: The Alphas' Bliss by G.J. Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.J. Cox
flesh. I had to fight my instincts not to do the same to her. I would be inside her properly when I took her blood for the first time.
    She drank my blood down until she was content. She licked the wounds closed then sighed happily. She curled into me, falling fast asleep. I smiled. Our little escapades always wore her out. I carefully extracted myself from under her to get a towel to clean us both up. A shower would be preferable but I didn’t want to wake her.
    I suspected her transition heat was upon her. She moaned again in her sleep, squeezing her legs together. She would need to be taken care of again soon. My cock answered the call by hardening. I cleaned my seed from her belly and thighs, then climbed back into bed. I pulled her close once again, inhaling her sweet vanilla scent. I briefly got the scent of wolf but I chalked it up to her being in such close contact with Devin.
    She called my name again, so I reassured her I was there. She sighed, then settled back down. I closed my eyes, letting sleep claim me.

    B liss. Bliss was my mate’s name. It was so appropriate, because I was in a state of bliss that I’d finally found her. Letting her leave last night was the hardest thing I ever had to do. My instincts clamored at me to go get her, bring her to my home, and mate her. To hell with the vampire claiming. But, in reality, she was scared, confused, and also Micha’s. I just couldn’t take her away from him and sequester us until she accepted me.
    I hadn’t envisioned having to share my mate when I’d dreamed of finding her one day. I’d often dreamed that she’d be wolf also, strong, independent, and a good fighter. She’d have to be all those things to be the mate of an Alpha and breed sons to carry my line. Bliss, however was half vampire and half human, though she only smelled human. If it hadn’t been for those small fangs, I wouldn’t have been able to tell she was vampire.
    She was short, plump, and beautiful. Those deep brown eyes and dark hair just did it for me. I’d always been partial to blondes, but from the moment I touched her on that dance floor I felt protective and thoroughly attached to her. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t wolf. I’d been honest with Micha when I told him I’d kill to have her. I’d hate to kill a friend and possibly start a wolf/vampire war over a half human but damn it, she was my mate!
    I dialed the number Micha had reluctantly given me. It was her personal cell phone. It was early afternoon so I wondered if she’d still be asleep. She was half vampire after all.
    “Hello?” Her sweet, soft voice came across the line and I was instantly hard.
    “Bliss, hello. It’s Devin Richardson.”
    There was a moment of silence. “Hi,” she said simply.
    “I want to apologize for frightening you last night. I…was taken aback by finding my mate in my club.”
    “Are you sure I’m your mate Devin? Because really, one mate is more than enough for me. Trying to learn to be a good mate to Micha is hard enough, I can’t imagine trying to be a good mate to a wolf. Did I tell you wolves scare me? I avoid them at all cost.” She spoke quickly, trying to get it all out. I couldn’t help but smile.
    “Last night when I took your arm, did you feel the current that ran through us?” I asked her.
    A hesitant “yes” was her response. I smiled again.
    “Even now, just over the phone, the current is running through us. Every time I touched you or looked at you last night, you felt the mating current. Baby, you are my mate,” I reassured her.
    She sighed. “I’m scared,” she said with a wealth of emotion. Oh, how I wished I was there with her so I could show her there was nothing to fear from me.
    “Oh baby, I know but you don’t have to be. I’d never hurt you. I’ve waited a really long time to find my mate and I would never do anything to make you regret being her.” I wanted to hold her, kiss her, reassure her

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