Waterfront Weddings

Free Waterfront Weddings by Annalisa Daughety

Book: Waterfront Weddings by Annalisa Daughety Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annalisa Daughety
something I’ve been worrying about.” She peered at Summer with those crystal blue eyes that didn’t miss anything. “I try not to worry—try to give my troubles over to the Lord.” She sighed. “I don’t mean to pry too much into your personal life, but I have this awful feeling that something is. . .off between you and Luke.”
    Summer had always heard that the first step to recovery was admitting there was a problem. And while she might be ready to finally admit to herself that something was amiss between them, she certainly didn’t want Gram worrying about it. “We’ll be fine.” Now it was her turn to pat Gram’s hand reassuringly rather than the other way around. “Dealing with Bobby’s accident and then losing the baby have made the past year difficult. But Luke and I are fine.” She managed a smile. “Really, we are.”
    Gram raised an eyebrow but didn’t press the issue. “Well, just know that if you want to talk to me about anything, I’m here to listen.”
    “I know.” Summer gave her a smile that she hoped was convincing.
    “And I’ll be praying for you both.”
    Summer’s eyes filled with unexpected tears.
    Prayer might be the only thing that could help them now.

Chapter 10
    L uke stood in the grand foyer of the Rutledge home. It looked like no one else from the party had noticed Summer’s abrupt exit. That was best for everyone. The last thing she needed was for a fuss to be made.
    “Everything okay?” Jefferson asked from the doorway. “I noticed Summer rush off. I hope she’s feeling okay.”
    Luke eyed him suspiciously. Surely Summer hadn’t confided the truth in Jefferson when they’d seen each other earlier in the week. Gossip spread within Charleston society faster than the Confederate Jasmine that crept up the wrought iron gate leading to their house. If Jefferson knew about her miscarriage, Summer’s family would, too. “She’s fine.” He took a sip of tea. “It’s awfully hot out there today. I think she needed to come inside for a few minutes to cool down.”
    Jefferson raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment on the feeble excuse. “Did she mention that I’ve moved back to town?”
    Luke held his tongue. Somehow, even after all these years, Jefferson managed to bring out the worst in him. “We didn’t really talk much about you.”
Because you don’t matter to us anymore, you arrogant man
    “I’ll admit, Summer choosing you over me was a huge part of the reason I left Charleston in the first place,” Jefferson said. “But now that I’ve been around the world and had some wonderful experiences of my own, I figured it was time to come back home. I missed my family too much to let such an insignificant thing keep me away.”
    Luke’s jaw tensed. Jefferson was clearly trying to bait him into some kind of argument. But why? “Well, I’m sure the welcome wagon will be wheeled out for you before long.”
    Jefferson laughed. “You still don’t like me very much do you?”
    Luke leveled his gaze on his old nemesis. “I don’t give you much thought anymore.”
    “Well, maybe you should try this on for size: you may have thought you won back then, but really there was no competition.” Jefferson’s lips turned upward in a menacing smile. “Oh, I know you thought there was. And sure, I played along because you were so much fun to mess with. But if I’d have really wanted her, I would’ve had her.” He shrugged. “It’s that simple.”
    Luke took a step toward Jefferson. The other man might be taller, but Luke had broken up enough bar fights to know how to throw a punch. And there was nothing he’d like more than to wipe that smug expression off of Jefferson’s face.
    “How’s it going in here?” Thomas Rutledge asked, coming into the room and looking from Luke to Jefferson. “The party seems to have moved inside. Is the heat too much for you boys?” The worry etched on his face belied his casual tone.
    Jefferson chuckled. “No sir. I had

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