PowerShift: Skid Row Kings Series, #2

Free PowerShift: Skid Row Kings Series, #2 by Winter Travers

Book: PowerShift: Skid Row Kings Series, #2 by Winter Travers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Winter Travers
and looked around.
    “Humph, I was hoping she would bring him by today. I’ve wanted a new pair of shoes, and Luke said he wouldn’t pay for them.”
    “Correction,” Luke yelled from the office. “Luke will not pay over one hundred dollars for a pair of shoes. I told you I would pay half, and you would have to cough up the rest.”
    “You’re just pissy that I remembered to pick you up today and didn’t get to ride home with Jimmy.” Luke stood in the door and crossed his arms over his chest.
    “Who the hell is Jimmy?” I asked. Frankie was too young to be dating, let alone getting rides home from boys we hadn’t had the chance to interrogate.
    “Nobody. I don’t even know why we’re talking about him. We were talking about babysitting Levi.”
    “We were, but now we’re talking about Jimmy.”
    “Violet knows him, and there’s nothing to tell. Is Scarlett going to the race tonight?”
    “Don’t think I don’t know what the hell you’re doing right now. Stop trying to distract me.”
    “Maybe we could drive over there, and I could offer to watch Levi while she goes to the race with you.”
    That actually wasn’t a bad idea. I know Leelee had just said I needed to give her time, but couldn’t I give her time while she watched me race? Plus, if I had Frankie with me she wouldn’t have an excuse why she couldn’t come with. The thing would be convincing her to come with. “You sure?” I asked Frankie.
    “Heck yes. I want those shoes.”
    “Tell you what, if you help me talk Scarlett into coming with me tonight, I’ll buy the damn shoes for you.”
    Frankie spun around and stuck her tongue out at Luke. “Hey, sounds like a good idea for me. You leaving my wallet alone is the best thing I’ve heard all day.”
    “Go get changed and we’ll ride over to Scarlett’s. The race starts in two hours. We better leave some time for convincing her.”
    Frankie dashed up the stairs, her black hair streaming behind her. “It’s safe to say you’re not listening to the advice I gave you?” Leelee asked. She was sitting behind the counter her eyes glued to the screen of the computer as her fingers flew over the keyboard.
    “I’m giving her time, just not tonight.”
    Leelee shook her head and laughed. “Good luck.”
    I was going to fucking need it.

    Chapter 11
    “Levi, I am not going to tell you again. You need to pick up all your toys in the living room and get washed up for dinner.” It was Friday night, and I was ready to pull my hair out.
    Levi had been a bear the whole day today, and it seemed like he wasn’t going to improve tonight.
    “Levi Michael Whistler, get in here now!” I was done being the cool, calm and collected mom.
    Just as I was about to bust out Mean Mom, there was a pounding on the door. “Who the hell can it be now?” I grumbled.
    Over the past three days, it had become a game to knock on our door and then run down the stairs before I could see who it was. It was a game I was sick of playing. I marched over to the door, threw it open fully expecting to rip whoever it was a new asshole. “Look here ass-” My words were cut off when my eyes landed on Frankie. “Frankie?” Was she lost? What the heck was she doing here?
    “Hey! Mitch is downstairs parking the car. He’s trying to park right in front of your window so he can watch the car . Can I come in?” I stepped back and held the door open because I had no idea what else to do. “This place still looks like I remember.” She looked around with a fond look on her face, almost as if she missed living here. Who in their right mind would miss living here?
    “Hey,” Mitch said as he breezed through the door and walked over to the window in the living room.
    What in the hell was going on right now? “Do I live here anymore?” I asked, looking around.
    “For the time being, Sparky.” Mitch pulled up the blinds on the window and opened

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