Whirlwind (SAI Book 2)

Free Whirlwind (SAI Book 2) by Lea Hart

Book: Whirlwind (SAI Book 2) by Lea Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Hart
    “Thanks for being my model. I’ve been completely stuck, and something in your face sparked an idea.”
    Rubbing his hand over his short beard, he laughed. “I had no idea my beat-up face could unlock creativity.”
    “Is this the part of the evening where you fish for compliments? Because if it is, then I’ll give you several.” She licked her spoon and smiled. “You are a very attractive man with a ton of magnetism. Your heavy brow and sharp cheekbones make your masculine features irresistible. You have a face that is worth drawing.”
    “I don’t know about that.” He ate some ice cream and thought about confessing that he was crushing hard and thought she was the most appealing woman he’d ever met. Right now there wasn’t much difference between him and a sixteen-year-old kid. “Unless, of course, you’re feeling magnetized?” Leaning over, he smiled. “Are you feeling the pull?”
    “A little.”
    “I can work with that. Maybe we should kiss and see if the whole magnetism thing is true.”
    “I like how everything you suggest circles back to kissing.”
    “It’s your fault. You let me have a taste, and now I’m craving you in dark and indecent ways. I intend to hear you breathless at some point in the near future.”
    The spoon she held was frozen in midair, and her mouth hung open. Maybe he should’ve left out the indecent part. It might’ve been overpowering. “So, now you know.”
    Sara dropped her spoon and stared. “You’re never going to make me guess. I can see that now.” Lifting her hair off her neck, she twisted it into a knot and smiled faintly. “I guess that’s a good thing. What I see is what I get.”
    Scooping her hand into his, he rubbed the top of her knuckles. “Always.” He stared into her eyes and willed her to see how serious he was. “It wouldn’t work with you anyway.” Slowly he dropped his mouth to hers. If she was going to stop him, it was going to happen in the next two seconds. When she didn’t, he pressed their lips together and felt an explosion go off in his head. That’s what kissing Sara did to him. Rearranged everything in his body and mind so that she would be the only answer. And hell if he didn’t like it.
    Her hand grazed his shirt as he deepened the kiss. Teasing the edge of her mouth, he waited for her to grant him entrance. When she did, he slipped his tongue in and knew no one had ever tasted anything sweeter and more perfect than the woman in his arms. Their mouths played together as he tightened his hold. All he wanted to do was absorb her…so that nothing separated them.
    Before he could kiss her again, she pulled back. The sound of her ragged breathing mixed with his, and his heart kept missing beats as his hands tried to bring her closer.
    “It’s too much,” she cried.
    “Sara, it’s not!” He tipped his head against hers and lifted his hand to cradle her face. “We are some kind of lucky.”
    “Or…we’re some kind of crazy.” Moving her head away, she studied him. “Is this something that happens to you on a regular basis?”
    “No. First time in my life and, I suspect, the last.” He dipped his head and kissed her gently. When she relaxed, he knew it wasn’t only happening to him. Sara was feeling something as well. The heat of the kiss kicked up a notch when her tongue dipped into his mouth, and he reacted by tightening his hold. Making out with Sara was hotter than sex with any other woman. And that included the crazy things between him and Ang. When that thought flew through his brain, he cringed. Sara must’ve felt it, because she pulled away and released his shirt. When he tried to capture her lips again, she pressed him backward. “More kisses?”
    “I think it’s time for you to go home.” She stood before he could grab her hand and moved out of reach. “It’s getting late.”
    Checking his watch, he saw that it was ten. Didn’t seem that late to him, but the way she was

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