Love, Lipstick and Lies
walked up the red carpet, or would we be turned away and have to do the walk of shame in front of the world’smedia? It was completely illogical as I knew we were both on the guest list and I had the invitation in my hand! But in any case, I don’t like being on red carpets because you know you will be photographed from every conceivable angle – and some of them are far from flattering.
    ‘Here goes,’ said Gary as the car pulled up at the kerb. And then our driver was opening the door for us. It was now or never.
    But we made it up the carpet, posed for the photographers, flashed our perfect smiles and were allowed in.
    We both needed a drink after that and headed straight for the bar area where we ordered our vodka and Cokes. We were happily people watching and star spotting (Heidi Klum, Seal, Kim Kardashian, Paul Rudd, Sharon and Kelly Osbourne for starters) when we both noticed an incredibly handsome guy in a tuxedo walk past. He looked straight at me.
    ‘Fucking hell!’ I exclaimed, grabbing Gary’s arm. ‘How good-looking is he!’
    ‘Absolutely gorgeous,’ Gary agreed.
    ‘Do you reckon he’s gay?’
    ‘Yeah, I’m pretty sure,’ he replied. Of course we found out later that Gary’s gaydar was completely off. It was a case of wishful thinking … But at that moment I thought, Oh, well, he’s probably right. The guy’s far too good-looking to be straight. Just my luck. Then I thought, Kate, don’t even go on the manhunt. Just relax, enjoy the party.
    We downed a couple more drinks and then had to take our seats for dinner, during which we watched the Oscars live on a big screen. Our table included editors from American OK! magazine and the Hollywood actress Tori Spelling and her husband. But I couldn’t get that good-looking guy out of my head and kept scanning the room, hoping to get another glimpse of him. And then I saw him walk by our table, and we both locked eyes, and … wow! I felt a spark of instantaneous attraction. He was so fucking fit! Tall, well over six foot, broad-shouldered, with what looked like a muscular body, boyishly handsome face, dark chocolate-brown eyes – possibly Spanish or Latin American. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. And there I was, saying I was off men … Never say never.
    Lots of people are restrained at these kind of celeb events, pacing themselves with the amount they drink, sipping mineral water so they don’t end up doing anything they’ll regret or get photographed looking shit-faced as they stumble out of the party. Lots of people … but it probably won’t surprise you that I am not one of them. I was out to have a good time and I was getting happily pissed. So after dinner, the events of that night are all a bit of a blur. I remember talking to Jamie Foxx, the Hollywood actor, and he was chatting away to me. But as for what he said, I have absolutely no idea.
    At one point I went off to the ladies’ and when I came out I saw Gary standing with the handsome guy. Well,hello! It was like one of those moments when everything and everyone else seems to fade into the background. All I focused on was him and that gorgeous face of his. Yes, I could still focus, just about.
    ‘ Hola ,’ he said to me when I joined them.
    Ah, so not English then. And, as I very quickly discovered, not able to speak English either. Not a single word. Gary and I worked out that he spoke Spanish, for all the good that was going to do us as neither of us could speak a word. Yet even from this brief encounter I could sense that there was great chemistry between the mystery man and me. And all the time I was thinking, OMG! He is so gorgeous!
    At one point a woman joined us and was able to translate our conversations and at first I thought he must be with her, but he wasn’t. Incredible as it seemed, he was single. We found out he was called Leandro. We spent the rest of the night together, taking photographs of each other and ourselves together. Once the Oscars ceremony was over

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