Bandit Bound: A Bad Boy Romance Novel

Free Bandit Bound: A Bad Boy Romance Novel by Kendra King

Book: Bandit Bound: A Bad Boy Romance Novel by Kendra King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra King
Vance," he said. "That's just how he says Vince. He has an accent."
    Savannah looked away and rolled her eyes, feeling embarrassed at the same time.
    "Right," she said.
    "You're not as clever as you think you are," Vincent said. He seemed to be taking a delight in her rebelliousness, though. Savannah mock-smiled at him and took another bite of the mediocre meal.
    "So, am I just hanging out here for a few days? Then what? You drop me off somewhere, ransom me, kill me?" she asked in between bites.
    "I don't kill innocent people," Vincent said defensively.
    "Innocent people? You're a killer?" Savannah said in shock. I didn't think he was capable of that, or that he ever would, she thought. But why would I think that? It's not like I know him.
    "I'm not a 'killer', and I don't appreciate the accusation, especially while you're eating a meal I just made you," Vincent replied.
    "Sorry, it's a little scary being captive to someone who just admitted to murder, no matter how nice he is and how much crappy pulled pork he makes you," Savannah said.
    Shit, shit, stop talking, he's going to shoot you, she thought while visibly wincing. She took the last bite of the serving she was given.
    "You've really got a mouth on you, huh?" Vincent asked.
    "You don't know the half of it," Savannah answered.
    "I think I'd like to get to know all of it," Vincent flirted back.
    Savannah looked up at him and saw him staring at her with eyes full of desire. She blushed and tried to look away, but it was like he held her eyes locked onto his with his stare.
    "Oh," Savannah said, unable to come up with a witty comeback while he was looking at her with such an electrifying gaze.
    He walked over to her and in a few seconds he was standing over her. She looked up from his shoes to his face, admiring the statuesque body that stood before her.
    "You tired?" he asked.
    "I just woke up, not really," she answered.
    "You only slept a bit," he said.
    "I'm fine, I think," she said, quivering. Vincent leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She let him for a few seconds, and then pulled back and turned her head away.
    "Stop," she said. Her cheeks were flush and her heart was racing. Vincent put his hand on her cheek and turned her to face him once more. They looked deeply into one another's eyes.
    Vincent kissed her again. This time, he pressed into her harder, slipping his tongue past her lips and entwining it with hers. His hand slid from her neck to the back of her head and pulled her into the kiss, penetrating her mouth further with his tongue. Savannah didn't resist at all.
    Standing up on her feet, Savannah continued to make out with Vincent while he straightened his back and placed his hands on her hips. Pulling away for a moment, Vincent kissed her down her neck to her collarbone, sending shivers of excitement and pleasure down her body.
    "Fuck," she said, unable to control herself.
    She let out a soft moan at a particularly good-feeling kiss on her neck and bit her lip afterward. Vincent grunted in pleasure as a response, the two of them now speaking with their bodies and simple noises as a language.
    The two of them continued to kiss and walk at the same time, in short, awkward, sensual steps, until they arrived at the couch that Savannah had just recently awoken from. Vincent held onto Savannah's shoulders and shoved her onto the couch by them, her bottom crashing onto the comfortable cushion. She looked up at him with delectable desire.
    "We really shouldn't," she said unconvincingly as she smiled and bit her lip.
    In the time it took her to say that, Vincent had unbuttoned his dress shirt which now hung loosely off of his muscular body. Savannah looked in awe at the perfectly carved abs and pecs, spattered with various tattoos. He leaned in and kissed her again, this time even more passionately than before as he grabbed a fistful of her hair on the back

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