Blue Moon III: Call of the Alpha

Free Blue Moon III: Call of the Alpha by A.E. Via

Book: Blue Moon III: Call of the Alpha by A.E. Via Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.E. Via
released them and threw his arms around Omega’s back, holding him tight to him to eliminate any more attacks. “I think you do know a place like that.” Lion spoke against Omega’s temple. He felt him turn into his touch before Omega checked himself and inched backwards.
    “Keep your distance, Firuz. My brother wears his heart on his sleeve. I’m not so easily fooled and not interested in falling in love.”
    “As long as you can still recognize it. There’s hope, Erik.” Lion regrettably released Omega and watched him disappear into the dense trees.

    “Thought you might want to see that.” Alpha didn’t turn at the sound of Hawk’s voice as he continued to look out the window from the third story balcony behind the house. He had to use Hawk’s mini scope since his brother and Lion were at least a couple hundred yards away and pretty well shielded by the thick bushes.
    Hawk pointed to the large bird flying above Omega’s position. Nothing moved in those woods without his knowledge. “I wasn’t trying to spy. I simply saw he’d walked off in the opposite direction alone with your brother. I don’t know this Lion. I don’t see much from him.”
    “It’s what you don’t see that keeps me progressing, seer.” Alpha’s voice was gravely in the darkness of the night.
    “No, Alpha. I don’t see deception in him.”
    “Omega can take care of himself.” Alpha put the scope down when he saw his brother relish Lion’s touch for a second before he pulled back. He handed the device to Hawk and went back inside the opened patio door. “Good night.”
    It was getting late. Hawk had snagged Alpha as soon as they’d returned, before he could even make it to his room with their bags. Watching Omega and Lion felt like an invasion of privacy. He hated that he’d witnessed the moment, but he understood Hawk’s caution.
    Their dinner of roasted lamb and vegetables had been quiet, the small talk was kept to a minimum, all of them with something important on their minds. They had one day until Viper got there. They’d go over their mission a couple more times, have one last night of rest and reflection before they’d take a private jet to a secluded airstrip in Tehran.
    Alpha went down a level to his assigned guest room at the end of the hallway. The door was cracked and he could hear the shower going in the bathroom. He thought of checking on his brother before Call finished with his shower. There was something there between his brother and Lion, he didn’t know if it was a growing respectful friendship or more.
    Alpha eased back out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Lion’s room was next to his, he stopped briefly by his door but didn’t hear a sound. Tightening his cloak, he lightened his steps as he made his way to the room Omega had been given on the first floor. He tapped lightly on the door and heard his brother’s quiet, “Come in, Daskshaun,” before easing himself inside.
    “I figured you’d be here at some point tonight.” Omega was rotating, doing one-armed pushups on the hardwood floor. God only knew what number he was on, but he wasn’t breathless. He had on his loose, black cotton pants and no shirt, letting the sweat pour from his body, landing on the towel stretched out under him. His perspiration was the only sign he’d been doing this for a while.
    “ Veux-tu en parler, mon frère? ” Alpha asked.
    “No. I don’t want to talk about it, brother. There’s nothing to talk about,” Omega answered in English. He was definitely upset. Alpha dropped the French and talked in English.
    “He seems intense. Focused… on you.”
    “I wonder why that is?” Omega switched arms, still not making eye contact.
    “A man gets to a certain point in his life and he starts to question what he’s done to make a difference. Whose life he has affected.” Alpha looked out the window at the darkness of the wilderness as he spoke. Speaking from experience. “Either good

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