The Earl's Desire
attending the upcoming horse race.”
    “ And?” Merrick put his snifter down on the table.
    Allan put down his glass and clasped his hands as he leaned forward.
    “ What type of business?”
    “ You know—we’ve talked about this before.”
    “ Is it about opening that cotton mill?” Merrick turned to look out the window. The scenery was beautiful outside with the lush, green leaves swaying from side to side as warm, gentle breezes danced around them; the blue sky was high and cloudless, and the rainbow colors of blooming roses, lavender, and marigold were scattered about in the beautifully designed garden.
    “ Indeed, Merrick. You see, there are enough people in this village to work for us. And you have the wealth and the land,” Allan said enthusiastically.
    “ Allan, you know I have to consider my people. I don’t want to force them all to leave their homes. I want a secure future for them,” he said, smiling with good humor.
    “ They can always work for us, as I’ve already told you. The pay isn’t bad, really.” Allan got up and approached his cousin.
    “ Yes, I know that, but some people still prefer to live in the old ways, farming their land. And as for the wages, they are rather low considering that in most mills the workers put in more than ten hours a day. And might I remind you that I don’t like child labor? If this business is going to go ahead, there will be no child labor.”
    “ All right, Merrick, I know.” Allan sighed. “Oh, by the way—” He halted, frowned at the sound of horse hooves and carriages wheels drawing to a stop outside and reluctantly followed his cousin out of the drawing room. They met the butler at the corridor.
    “ The Earl of Queensbury and his family have arrived, my lord,” Ross announced, opening the door.
    Merrick nodded and went outside. There he saw a thin, tall, middle-aged man come out of the carriage.
    “ Difficult traveling in summer, I say,” Lord Queensbury commented. He sighed and turned to help his wife and daughter down while Merrick and Allan descended the stairs toward them.
    “ Huntingdon, Hasting, how are you both? It’s a long time since we’ve met—when was the last time?” The earl frowned in concentration as they clasped hands.
    “ It was the Richmonds’ ball, dear, and not very long ago at all,” his wife supplied and turned to Merrick. “My lord.” She nodded and offered her gloved hand to Merrick.
    He took it and touched it to his lips, Allan following suit.
    “ The journey was difficult?” Merrick asked.
    “ Not as pleasant as I had hoped. But nevertheless, my lord, one must bear the pain of staying stationary for many hours in order to get from A to B.” She laughed merrily and fluttered her fan about her smooth face.
    “ Indeed.” Merrick nodded and turned his attention to the young woman before him. “Lady Anne, welcome to my home. I do hope you will like it here.”
    “ It is indeed very beautiful, my lord. I am sure I will, of course, enjoy it here.” She smiled at him pleasantly.
    “ Ah, Lady Anne.” Allan reached for her hand. “You’re still as radiant as ever, my dear.” He bowed and kissed her gloved hand.
    She blushed prettily and giggled. “Nay, Mr. Hasting, you’re over-complimenting me,” she said as she gently touched one hand to her blushing cheek.
    “ No, no. It is the truth—isn’t that right, Merrick?” Allan turned to his cousin.
    “ Hmm.” Merrick smiled at the young woman who was looking back at him with bright eyes. She was especially beautiful under the midafternoon sun with her honey-blond hair styled into ringlets and her blue eyes shining with obvious happiness.
    “ Your estate is enchanting, my lord. The flowers are especially beautiful. A picnic would be very nice. Might I suggest one for tomorrow?” Anne said, eyeing the handsome young earl.
    “ Of course,” Merrick agreed. “Do come inside. ’Tis rather hot out here,” he said and led them into the Hall.

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