Lawful Overdose
you can go. I’m not going to force
you to sleep here after what just happened. If you want to go, I’ll call you a
cab to make sure you get home safe. If you want to stay, we can share the bed
and go to sleep. The choice is yours, but I really hope you decide to stay.”
    I look into his eyes and I can’t imagine walking
away right now, and that scares me more than anything.
    “I’ll stay,” I let out in a faint whisper.
    He kisses my forehead again before moving to his
dresser. I watch him pull out a t-shirt from the second drawer before tossing
it in my direction. I slip it on over my bra and crawl onto his bed, slipping
under the comforter. I lay on my side, facing away from him. I feel a dip of
the mattress, letting me know Jaxon is getting in bed, too. His arm wraps
around my stomach and his chest pushes up against my back, spooning me.
    This is a first for me. I never share a bed with a
man. I’ve definitely never spooned with a guy, not even Mikey. It surprisingly
feels good to be in his arms. I feel his nose in my hair as I hear him inhale a
deep breath.
    “You smell terrific. I’m going to enjoy waking up
to you.”
    I don’t know what to say to him. This is all new
territory for me, so I decide not to say anything at all.
    “Goodnight, Tessa,” he whispers into my hair.
    I smile at his words. It’s been a good night, and
I’m glad I spent it with him.
    “Goodnight, Jaxon.”
    His arms squeeze me impossibly closer to him and
his warmth radiates through my skin. I don’t remember much afterward because my
eyes start to drift closed. Within minutes I’ve fallen asleep in Jaxon’s arms,
the only place I want to be.

Chapter Six
    My eyes flutter open from the bright light coming
through the open window. My eyes open and adjust to the room and I realize I’m
not at home. Last night comes flooding back to me.
    Seeing Jaxon at the restaurant… then the motel… our
picnic under the stars… coming back to his apartment and almost fucking on his
bed. There’s that dirty word again, fuck. I remember the shockingly sweet
speech he gave me before we went to bed, and the way he held me before I fell
    Last night was one of the best nights of my life,
and I barely know the guy.
    I look over to the spot next to me in bed, and
Jaxon’s not there. I move my eyes to the clock on the nightstand.
    1:09 pm.
    I’ve slept half the day away. I wonder why Jaxon
didn’t wake me? I wonder where he is? Did he leave the apartment? Is he in the
shower? Are Piper and Ryan still here?
    Instead of continuing to ask myself questions I
cannot answer, I get up to find out for myself. I look around Jaxon’s room for
my dress, but it’s nowhere to be found. I don’t want to walk out of the room in
just his t-shirt, especially if his roommate is here.
    I open the top drawer of his dresser, looking for
something to put on. I see a folded stack of boxers and I grab a pair. My eyes
drift, looking at the contents of the drawer. Boxers, socks, undershirts,
    Why does Jaxon have handcuffs in his top drawer? He
is a kinky bastard. I let my mind wander to all the things he can do to me with
those handcuffs. Maybe he really isn’t a prude. I just hope I get to find out
what he uses them for.
    I close the drawer before Jaxon can walk in and see
me rummaging through his things. I leave his bedroom and walk into the living
room. I still don’t see Jaxon.
    I hear noise coming from the kitchen, so I try
there next. When I walk in, Jaxon is pouring a cup of coffee. He’s in a basic
black t-shirt and jeans. His hair is damp, probably from showering.
    Great. He looks like a million bucks and I look
like I could be asking for money on the street. I watch him put the coffee pot
back in place and reach in the fridge for creamer. It’s the same kind I use.
    Maybe we are meant to be together.
    I watch him for a few more seconds before his head
lifts and he turns towards the entryway.

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