Lawful Overdose
his bed. “Do you have a t-shirt
or something I can sleep in?”
    He looks worried, “Are you sure about this? I can
easily sleep on the couch.”
    “Don’t be silly. We’re adults. I like you and I
think you like me. There’s no reason we can’t share a bed together.”
    Being in his room somehow make me want him more. I
decide to throw some bait in front of him. Maybe if he’s tempted by something
he wants, he’ll make a move.
    I lower my hands to the hem of my dress and slowly
lift it up, pulling it over my body and my head. I toss it on the floor next to
my shoes and look up at Jaxon. I’m standing in my cream-colored lace thong and
matching bra. I can see Jaxon’s eyes start to burn with desire for me.
    I bite my lip and get the desired response. Jaxon
lets out a low groan and closes his eyes briefly. When he reopens them, I know
I have him.
    “Shirt?” I ask innocently.
    He moves quickly and with three steps he’s in front
of me. He moves one hand to the back of my neck, while his other arm wraps
around my back. His hand is pressing on the small of my back as he pushes me
closer to him. I look up into his eyes, just inches away, waiting for what
comes next.
    “I wanted to wait, but you standing here,” he
whispers as his mouth moves closer to mine. “With your tits overflowing the
cups of your bra, your ass teasing me in your barely there thong, and your
lips,” he moves closer and brushes his lips gently against mine. My body is
ready to go.
    “You biting your lip, teasing me… I just can’t take
it anymore.”
    His lips seal over mine and I moan in satisfaction.
    We’re alone, in his room, and nothing is going to
get in the way tonight.
    His lips caress mine, gentle at first. My body is
on fire, waiting for him to drown it out with his hands. He bites my lip gently
and then licks over the bite mark, asking for entrance. I immediately open for
him and our tongues meet. God, he tastes like heaven, even better than I
    His hand on my back moves to my hip. He squeezes my
hip, overwhelmed with desire like I am. His hand drifts to my ass and he gently
teases my ass cheek. His palm starts to caress my ass in slow circles. His
other hand moves down my body as his lips part from mine and he kisses a trail
up to my ear. His stubble tickling me with desire.
    “Damn… you are so sexy,” he whispers huskily in my
ear. His roaming hand reaches the back of my thigh, and he lifts my leg to wrap
it around his waist. It’s there that I can feel his hard on.
    “Yes…” I moan, as my head falls back from the feel
of his cock.
    The next thing I know he gently slaps my ass, the
vibrations run throughout my body. He pushes me back towards the bed. When the
back of my leg hits the mattress, he slowly lowers me to the bed, keeping my
one leg around his waist.
    Jaxon’s standing over me, looking my body up and
    “Are you sure?” He asks me.
    “Are you kidding me? I’ve wanted you since I first
saw you. I’ve never been so sure of sex in my life.”
    This is all he needed to hear. I watch him pull the
shirt off his body, giving me a wonderful view of his defined chest. He moves
over me and lowers his body on top of mine, supporting himself with his
forearms. His lips brush against mine again, teasing and licking, but he’s not
giving me them completely.
    My hands move up his back, loving the feel of his
hard muscles. I move my hands back down to the edge of his jeans.
    I can’t handle the waiting anymore. My body feels
like it’ll explode any minute with lust.
    I decide to try and take control. My hands slip
into the back of his jeans, under his boxers, and on his firm ass. I pull him
into my core and we both moan at the feeling.
    My hands move around his waist to the front of his
jeans. I unbutton the top, but before I can finish, he quickly unzips and pulls
his jeans off.
    His lips move to my chest, leaving soft open mouth
kisses across my skin. My body is humming with want and

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