The Road to Price
breath and stood up from my chair. “When I got back to my room that night my
employee contract was sitting on the bed. I decided to read through the parts I
hadn’t gotten to in your office.” I paused to see if his faced showed any
recognition of what might have upset me. His face showed nothing.
    “Everything was
looking great until I got to the end and saw that you had a private
investigator look into me.” His face still showed nothing so I continued,” He
pulled up information you had no right to know. Information that was private,
things I never wanted you to know.”
    Finally I got some
kind of reaction out of him. It wasn’t much but his body straightened and his
shoulders raised slightly. He was still looking directly at me with a blank
expression, but it was something.
    “I’m sorry you
feel that way but this is how I conduct my business. I have to do thorough
checks on anyone who is around me for long amounts of time. It is for my
safety. I can’t risk any kind of errors in the standard background check the
temp agency runs. Hiring the private investigator, that’s my version of a
background check.”
    He obviously
didn’t get where my anger was coming from so I continued to explain.
    “You don’t
understand. I came to Miami because no one knows me here. This was my way of
starting over, starting fresh. I want to…. No I need to forget. It may not make
sense to you but its what I need. Knowing that you know about my past, it kills
me because I never had any intention of telling you. That was my secret to
tell, not something you should be able to just dig up on me.
    “Miles…” I held
back the sob I could feel coming up through my throat.
    “My son is off
limits. He is not your business and you don’t know anything about him and me.
Just because you have a piece of paper that gives you a brief overview of my
history doesn’t mean you know jack.
    “That’s why I came
to confront you that night. I was pissed you invaded my privacy and I had to show
you how wrong that was. The only reason I didn’t quit right then and there was
because you would have thought it was because I saw you and Rachel. I couldn’t
let that happen. You needed to know my leaving had nothing to do with you and
Rachel; it had everything to do with you. Just you and the fact that you think
you’re entitled to know everything.
    “I’ve decided to
stay as long as you don’t bring up anything you’re not suppose to know about. I
need this job but the minute you bring up my history I‘m out. My past is buried
and it needs to stay that way.  Do we have an understanding?”
    I felt like a
six-day weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Sebastian was still lightly
running his hand through his hair when I said this. I knew I threw a bunch of
shit on him but it had to be said. In order for me to work for him I had to get
everything out in the open.
    It felt like an
eternity before he spoke.
    “So what your
saying is that you didn’t care that you walked in on me fucking Rachel on my
desk?” Sebastian had the hugest grin on his face. He knew what he was doing and
he knew I knew it too.
    “I just spilled my
heart out to you and that’s all you got out the conversation?” Did he not
listen to a word I said?
    “I understand, the
rest of what you said I understand. I was out of line and I am sorry. You won’t
have to worry about me bringing up any of that shit to you. I know it is not my
    Okay. That made me
feel a whole lot better and I felt like maybe things could be good between us.
Maybe Sebastian and I could actually become friends.
    “Come over here
and I’ll kiss you to make it all better.” he started to walk my way, “Even
better, I’ll come to you.”
    Apparently I spoke
to soon on the friend thing. Sebastian was back to his flirty, sexual self and
I needed to cool him down… fast.
    When he was about
six inches from my face, I put my hand on his chest to stop him from coming

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