The Road to Price
Sebastian. All we can ever be is friends, and I want to be your friend. You
have to understand that I will never be the girl who will have casual sex with
my friends. Although I don’t have any experience in how to have a relationship,
I do know one thing, I am all about monogamy.”
    He lifted an
eyebrow and slightly opened his mouth as if to say something but then closed it
quickly. He eyes were gentle and he took in my face before speaking.
    “Okay we can be
friends.” His right arm lifted and tucked a piece of my hair, which had fallen
on my face, behind my ear. His touch gave me that all to familiar feeling
throughout my body. Was I ever going to not be affected by this beautiful man?
    I hoped so and I
need it to happen soon.
    “Why don’t I give
you that tour now so we can both get to our work for the day?” His hand was
still on the side of my head as he spoke. It felt really nice to be touched in
such a delicate way.
    “That sounds
great,” I said while letting out a deep breath. Sebastian then lowered his hand
and instructed me to follow him.
    The tour only
lasted about twenty minutes. He gave very little detail as we entered each
room. He just wanted me to get the lay of the land. Everything went smoothly
until we got to the last room, his wife’s room.
    He explained that
Darcy’s room was off limits. She didn’t want anyone on the staff snooping
through her things. He explained that Darcy was hardly ever here but she was a
very private person. If she found out I was in her room, she would have me
    Once we were
finished he brought me back to the supply room so I could start my first day at
work. The room was white with built in cabinets and shelves that housed
hundreds of different cleaning products. I turned towards him waiting for him
to leave so I could start cleaning.
    Sebastian was
leaning against the doorframe. He was looking at me thoughtfully and I felt my
heart flutter. “I was thinking, maybe we should start working on this friends
thing. I like the idea of having someone to hang out with who lives on the
    I loved that he
was considering what I offered him earlier in the kitchen. I wanted to be
Sebastian’s friend. I knew we could never be anything more so I wanted to take
what I could get from him.
    “That sounds like
a great idea,” I said enthusiastically.
    “Well I have
several meetings around town today so I won’t be back to the estate until late.
What if I come by after I get home and we can watch a movie or something?”
    A movie sounded a
little too intimate for me. After everything that had happened I knew we should
move slow and approach being friends with caution but I couldn’t say no. There
was a need in me to please Sebastian but I wanted to clarify something before I
said yes to him.
    “As friends?”
    He gave me that
signature smile of his as he confirmed, “Yes Mia, as friends.”
    This made me giddy
inside. I didn’t have to give up Sebastian. Yes, it would be hard to be around
him but I was going to do my best to work past my attraction to him. I was good
at avoiding intimate relationships my entire life; I shouldn’t have a problem
avoiding Sebastian.
    “Ok sounds great!
I’ll have popcorn, snacks, and a couple movies ready for when you come by.”
This was going to go well. I could feel it in my bones. Sebastian and I were
going to be great friends.
    Some how his smile
spread even larger and I saw something in his eyes that I never saw before. Was
it hope? I wasn’t sure but whatever it was, it scared the crap out of me.
    “I’m off to go
shower and get my day going. I have motivation now to finish my day as soon as
possible. Call me or text if you have any issues while you work today.” I
nodded and with that Sebastian turned and walked out of sight.
    I scurried around the supply room looking for the dusting products
and laundry detergent I would need for the day. I now had motivation to finish
my day quickly as

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