The Road to Price
got started
    “She had some kind
of emergency, she had to leave. She left me thorough notes that I’m reading
through. I was actually just about to get started on my work.”
    Sebastian nodded
his head as he lifted the orange juice to his lips. He took a quick sip and
then placed his glass of orange juice on the counter.
    “Well my first
meeting isn’t until nine so I have a little time before I need to shower and
get ready. I can give you a brief tour if you want?”
    He was offering to
show me around his home. I wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity to be near
him. As much as I hated to admit it, I wanted to see him. Six days had been way
too long.
    “That would be
great,” I said to him.
    Before we went on
the tour I had to get the elephant out of the room. Otherwise it would hang
over my head the whole time I was with him.
    “Sebastian, I want
to apologize… about the other night.” He was finishing off his orange juice
when his entire body tensed. I don’t think he expected me to address what had
    “It was late and I
shouldn’t have barged in your office like that. I was upset and wanted to
confront you right away and I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry and I hope you know
that it will never happen again. I’ve already apologized to Rachel but I needed
to apologize to you too so we could move past this.”
    He walked over to
the sink and placed down his glass. He then turned to me and leaned back
against the sink. I could tell he was digesting what I had said and possibly thinking
over what he would say to me. It was silent for a few moments before he spoke.
    “You didn’t need
to apologize Mia, things happen. I have felt so awful about what you walked in
on. You should never have seen that… there shouldn’t have even been anything
for you to see.” He paused for a brief second and ran his right hand through
his hair. He looked back up to me and continued.
    “I was upset. I
was upset with what you had said to me after we made out and groped each other
against the wall. Then you left and I was still hard and worked up, I just
needed a release. I wanted to release inside you but you made it very clear
that we would never happen.”
    He said all this
without any embarrassment. I appreciated his honesty.
    “I should have
taken care of it by myself. I went to my office to shut down everything for the
night. Rachel came in to see me and noticed the predicament going on in my
pants. She offered to help it go away and I didn’t say no. I didn’t want her…
but I didn’t say no. Then you walked in.”
    He was spilling
his guts. At least that is what it felt like because up until now he hasn’t
opened up about anything.
    “When I saw you…
the look on your face… I felt so low. I couldn’t believe you were seeing me
like that. I was mortified, I still am. I can’t imagine what you were thinking.
I mean you walked in on me, a few hours after I tried to fuck you in my dining
room, fucking another women. I know what you must think of me and I can’t argue
with you. That was the lowest moment of my life and you will never have to
experience anything like that again. I promise.”
    He lowered his
head as if he were truly ashamed of his actions. I had to say something to ease
his mind. I felt like I needed to let him know it was okay. I needed to protect
    “You don’t have to
promise me anything. I did tell you that nothing could happen between us and I
did get you all worked up. I was worked up too. You don’t owe me anything but I
appreciate you explaining to me. It means a lot that you feel like you can talk
to me.”
    He gave me a week
smile. “You said you came to see me because you were upset. Why were you
    Oh shit. I had
completely forgot that I was supposed to be super pissed at him for invading my
privacy. The truth was I wasn’t that angry anymore. You can rationalize a lot
in six days so my anger had almost completely gone away.
    I took a

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