Promised at the Moon
jeans, finished off with two-hundred-dollar shoes. Where do you want to end up?”
    “Doesn’t matter where I want to end up. I’ll go where my dad tells me to.”
    “So, he gets to make all the decisions for you, huh?”
    “Children of Alphas do what they’re told, not what they want.”
    Natasha took a long swig of water. That statement was truer than even Clint knew.
    “Clint!” one of the females called. “Let’s dip!”
    “Come on!” He set their bottles of water on the cooler before running off. Everyone disrobed. Shoes, shorts, skirts and underwear flew onto the beach. Natasha averted her eyes from the scene, and heat flushed her skin at the thought of all the naked bodies getting into the water. Packs got naked together so often that nudity wasn’t a big deal amongst their peers. But Natasha barely knew any of them. Getting naked wasn’t something she was ready to commit to yet.
    “Asha!” Clint called, wearing nothing but his boxers. “Come on, girl!”
    He dropped his boxers to the sand and she turned away again.
    “Don’t you want to swim?” asked a voice close to her ear.
    Natasha came face-to-face with a tall male with deep brown eyes looming close, invading her space.
    “Not embarrassed by the naked bodies, are you?”
    “Not with my own pack.” She tried in vain to remember his name.
    “Asha, what’s that short for?” he asked.
    His stare made her skin crawl, like a thousand sand crabs trying to bury under it.
    “Ashanna.” She swallowed.
    “Interesting name. I’ve never heard it before.”
    “It was my grandmother’s.” Natasha glanced toward the water. Cindy dunked Clint. No one paid her any attention.
    “Where did Clint say you were from again?” he asked.
    “He didn’t,” she replied. “Would you mind backing up?”
    “Why?” He loomed even closer. “Do I make you nervous?”
    “She asked you nicely to back off.” Liam stalked toward them. A wash of relief overcame her at the sight. He stopped inches from the male’s face, a good head taller. “I won’t be so polite.”
    “Chill. I was just asking her some questions.”
    “Shove off, Ron.”
    Ron’s eyes narrowed. “Are you challenging me, Liam? You know who my father is.”
    “I don’t give an Alpha’s balls who your father is. If you don’t get away from Asha, you’re gonna find out what a steel-tipped boot feels like when it’s planted in your ass.”
    “Okay.” Asha rushed forward. She shoved Liam hard, but in the sand lost her traction and almost fell over. “That’s enough. It was just a misunderstanding. Right, Ron?” She rounded on the other male. He and Liam continued to glare at each other, neither wanting to look away first. “Right?” she asked louder.
    Ron’s gaze flickered to hers. “Right. A misunderstanding.”
    “See? Come on, I’m done anyway.” Her desire for a party deflated flatter than a popped beach ball. Asha tugged on her protector’s arm. He didn’t budge. She tugged harder, leaning backward. “Liam, let’s go!” Liam glanced down at her and his eyes softened. “Please, I want to leave.”
    Ron stayed silent. Behind him, several of the swimmers called out to find out what was happening.
    Natasha laced her fingers into Liam’s and dragged him toward the stairs.
    “Asha!” Clint called. “Asha, where ya goin’?”
    Liam moved with her reluctantly.
    “Come on, you big ox,” she said.
    By the time they reached the steps, his fingers gripped hers tightly, and it was he who dragged her from the beach. She had to run to keep up. When they reached the top of the stairs, she stopped.
    “Thanks for the stair-step class.” She tried to catch her breath.
    Liam paced, flexing and unflexing his hands. Down below, Clint stood on the sand talking to Ron and several other males.
    “Why did you come here?” Liam demanded.
    Natasha’s attention whipped in his direction. “Excuse me?”
    “Was it for him? For Clint?”
    “I’ve been feeling cooped up.”

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