Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4)

Free Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4) by Ann Lister

Book: Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4) by Ann Lister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Lister
started walking to the stairs to go to his bedroom. Wheland followed him as far as the living room and stopped, hands on hips, as he watched Rooster take the stairs.
    “It’s still early, Rooster,” Wheland said. “Let’s go downstairs and work on that song we started yesterday.”
    Rooster’s pause on the stairs was brief. “Maybe tomorrow,” he said. “I’m too tired to work right now.”
    “Fine! I’ll be in the studio if you feel like joining me,” Wheland said.

    Wheland stomped down to the basement studio and closed the door to the sound engineer’s room. What the fuck is Rooster’s problem? They’d both lived the musician lifestyle for years. There was no doubt in Wheland’s mind that Rooster had had his cock touched by another guy at some point during a threesome or some other kind of sex act. So, why would he freak out over me touching him?
    Wheland walked to the mini-fridge and removed a beer, then sat down in one of the plush leather chairs he and Rooster had occupied just the day before while they worked. He took a long swig of the beer and closed his eyes. Up until the point Jasmine started bitching about the come sprayed all over her, Rooster seemed blissed-out over what had happened between them.
    Maybe that was the problem? Maybe it had felt too good and now Rooster was questioning himself and why he enjoyed it so much? Shit! How did you manage to fuck this one up?
    Wheland rubbed his forehead and felt a tension headache brewing. He had no idea how to fix this. If he’d known Rooster would react this badly to being touched by him, he’d never have done it. But, in the darkest corners of his brain, Wheland actually thought Rooster might have wanted this and maybe this would be a launching point for them having something physical develop between them. He had even stupidly allowed the fantasy of Rooster possibly being someone he could have something real with, like Cooper and Jayson.
    Apparently not!
    That was not only foolish but stupid to think about, when he knew so little about the man living in his guest room. But the truth was, Wheland did want to know Rooster. He wanted to know everything Rooster felt comfortable sharing with him. He’d never had a relationship with another man and that’s sort of what this felt like with Rooster living in his house and spending most of their waking hours together. When Wheland stopped to really think about that and what it might mean on a deeper level, he was okay with it. In fact, this thing with Rooster felt comfortable enough for Wheland to entertain the idea of wanting a relationship and that said something because Wheland didn’t typically think about shit like that. Ever.
    Wheland scratched his head and thought about the situation again. Yes, Rooster was living with him and, yes, they spent a lot of time together every day, and now it seemed Wheland had fucked that up by crossing the line and touching Rooster during a very personal moment. For Wheland, the effect of that experience at the club was positive, but for Rooster maybe that shared orgasm held a negative meaning; something that was now filling him with regret.
    Damn it, I don’t want to be something he regrets!
    Wheland reached for his lyric notebook and opened to an empty page. He took the pencil jammed into the spiral binder and tapped the tip of it onto the paper. Ideas for lyrics were starting to seep into his tired brain. The words came slowly one at a time, but the visual was beginning to come into focus. Maybe he could use the emotion he had building from the disastrous trip to the club and pour it into the song he and Rooster had been working on the previous day?
    Wheland closed his eyes and started seeing images of himself facing Rooster, exposed with his arousal and need on full display, and then the music and words started to fill his brain like the soundtrack to his life.
    ~ See Me ~
    Standing before you.
    I am all man.
    Can you see me?
    For what I really am.

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