Demons (Eirik Book 1)

Free Demons (Eirik Book 1) by Ednah Walters

Book: Demons (Eirik Book 1) by Ednah Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ednah Walters
had better be right. After all, science is magic with weird math equations and wacky theories supposedly explaining it. People’s attempts to understand magic are nuts.”
    I angled my head and listened. I couldn’t hear the growls anymore, but I kept walking and the tunnel kept widening. I reached what appeared to be the entrance. It was worse than inside. There were mist and mountains covered with snow rising above it. There were no trees or bushes. 
    I looked down. No bottom either. I couldn’t just step forward without knowing what I was stepping on. The mist was so dense I couldn’t see anything below the entrance. Chances were the tunnel was somewhere up the side of a mountain. One misstep, and I’d plunge to my death.
    I was so going to die here. I just knew it. I’d be the first known Witch to die in the astral plane. I could just see my obituary. Beloved Daughter of Windfall Police Chief Died While Trancing.
    “Stop it! Stay proactive.”
    Shivering, I closed my eyes and tried to project back to my body again. After what seemed like forever, I tried for the man’s dungeon. Tears filled my eyes when that failed, too. I fought them. Crying would not improve my situation. My teeth were already chattering. I wasn’t sure whether I was still near the castle where the guy was being kept prisoner or whether I’d moved to a different plane.
    What was wrong with me? I must have landed in Stupid Land. I was no longer in an energy form. I hadn’t been since I appeared in this land. I was solid. Human. The tunnel also looked man-made, which meant there might be other humans around.
    “Help!” I called out. “Can someone hear me?”
    My voice echoed around the mountains, and I swore I heard snow get dislodged somewhere in the mist and tumble downhill. It was a long drop.
    “HELP! Somebody! HELP!”
    I screamed and screamed until my voice grew hoarse. Where was I? Somewhere where it was freaking cold in spring. Alaska? Europe? Greenland. Spring in Alaska brought regular sunlight, which could chase the mist away. I looked at my watch, surprised to see it working. Four-thirty. Usually my watch acted weird in the astral plane. This was proof I was in the earthly plane. Not that it mattered anymore. I just wanted to go home.
    If it was four-thirty and New Orleans was three hours ahead of Alaska, the sun should be blazing right about now. I looked up and sighed. There was nothing in the sky. Wherever I was, the sun had probably set, taking its warmth with it.
    My body shook so hard I thought my knees would give out. The wind had picked up and it bit right through my clothing. Carefully, I made my way back inside the tunnel. My ankle boots had traction, but still the ground was slippery. To fall and break something now would only add insult to injury. My socks were too thin though, so I knew they would not protect my toes for long. Toes, fingers, noses, and ears were first to fall off. My skirt and top also offered me zero protection against the chill. Not that it mattered. The cold had already crawled under my skin, and my fingers were beginning to go numb.
    I peered into the tunnel. I was going to have to take my chances in there with the growling thing. I kept trying to project to my body as I walked. The tunnel started to curve and I stopped. I was far enough from the entrance that the wind was no longer an issue.
    I crouched low and tried to keep warm, but every few seconds, my entire body shook and my teeth rattled. At this rate, I’d be an icicle in an hour.
    Convinced I was doing something wrong, I tried projecting to other places—the police station, the shop, Hayden’s place, Zack’s, Uncle Ben’s car dealership, the hospital where my aunt Genevieve worked.
    Zero success. Nada. Nil.
    I thought of using a spell to create fire, but I didn’t dare chance it. With my luck, I might end up burning my clothes. Besides, where would I create the fire? On the snow? There were no twigs or rocks to heat up. I was

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