The Bear and the Unicorn (Supernatural Enforcers Agency Book 6)

Free The Bear and the Unicorn (Supernatural Enforcers Agency Book 6) by E A Price

Book: The Bear and the Unicorn (Supernatural Enforcers Agency Book 6) by E A Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: E A Price
    She believed him.
    “She’s nothing special,” snarled Booker.  He paced up and down, eyes flashing and beast banging his chest.
    The giraffe shifter lay sprawled on the ground.  When they tried to tranq her, she shifted.  And yep, she was just a regular old giraffe shifter.  Nothing interesting about that .  Stupid fucking doctor, he ought to ring her neck.  He would too if it weren’t for Vargas eyeing him warily.
    Dr. James clasped her hands together.  “She was supposed… my friend checked the blood four times.  Maybe she just has strange blood – she’s still a strange anomaly.”
    “But not one anyone will pay for,” spat Booker.  “You fucking idiot.”
    Vargas growled at him.
    “Can’t we just put her back,” suggested the doctor.
    “She saw my face,” said Booker slowly, his growling prowling in irritation.  How fucking stupid was this woman?
    “Won’t the drugs…”
    “They’re tranqs – they won’t affect her memory.  She’ll remember everything.”
    The doctor wrung her small hands.  “What do we do?”
    “Only thing we can do.”
    She paled.  “You’re not serious.”
    Booker gave her a cold smile.  “We can’t let her go.”
    “But, no, we can’t…”
    His second in command upended the struggling doctor over his shoulder and strode away, ignoring the beating she was giving his back.
    Booker looked down at the sleeping form of the giraffe shifter.  She was a pretty girl in her human form.  Shame .  But then given what her future might have been if she had been special, maybe death was a better option.

Chapter Nine
    Zane strolled into the SEA building feeling pretty damn buoyant.
    Hey, he had a new interesting case, why wouldn’t he?  His bear snorted.  Yeah, it wasn’t that.  It was her .  Sky.  Beautiful, fragile, perfect Sky.  He’d never had such a reaction to a female.  Not even Melissa.  Then again, he’d known Melissa for a month before he fell for her – it hadn’t been instantaneous with her.  But with Sky, the moment he saw her he felt like he was falling headlong into a deep chasm.  It was scary but exhilarating, and he almost couldn’t breathe.  But the world suddenly seemed hazy around this gorgeous woman.  He wanted to hug her, kiss her, screw her and carry her off and away from every other male in the world all at once.
    Hell, even his asshole bear was half in love with her already.  One look from those bottomless green eyes and the bear was practically rolling around on the ground, whimpering like a cub.
    Yeah, he was pretty fucking livid that she might be in danger, but he was going to protect her.  Hades help the fucker who was after her.
    He’d taken her phone and programmed all his numbers in – home, cell, and work.  At that moment she was safely sitting in his car with the promise that she would stay put, and if she saw anyone she thought was a little shifty looking – she would call him, and he’d come running.
    Zane was feeling pretty smug until his phone chirruped and he panicked, almost dropping it as he scooped it out of his pocket.
    The SEA security guard, Boris raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything.  The burly male rarely did.
    Zane checked his phone and found a text and a photo from Sky.  The photo showed a huge male sitting on a bench with his mouth open and a dazed look on his face.  A small, pretty female was hugging his shoulders and smiling.   The text read, been like that for six mins – v. entertaining but is it shifty?   A smiley face emoji followed.
    Zane chuckled as he recognized the male – Cutter – a brusque wolf shifter and former SEA colleague.  He texted back.  I know that guy – he’s nuts, six mins is nothing .  She replied with LOL .
    His little horse shifter was adorable.  His bear grumbled slightly at that.  Yeah, her scent was a little off.  The peachy like smell was delicious and appealing as hell, but he’d never come across a horse

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