The Sultan and the Queen: The Untold Story of Elizabeth and Islam
259, 281
    Thomson, Jasper, 257–60, 281
    Thomson, Richard, 257
    Thorne, Robert, 28–29
    Timur, 156
    Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis, 34
    Treaty of Lausanne (1923), 96
    Treaty of London, 288–89
    Treaty of Nonsuch, 123
    Turkey Company, 105, 113–14, 118, 121, 122, 131, 134, 145, 193, 204
    Turkish carpets, 206
    Turkish republic, birth of, 96
and Battle of Lepanto, 64–65, 289
depicted in theater, 287–88, 297
“Memorandum on the Turkey Trade,” 82–83, 96
Ottoman Turks, 46, 47, 82
and Persian shah, 51–52, 53, 242–43
trade with England, 93–94, 104–5, 112, 113, 121–22, 218
use of term, 5, 20, 22
war against, 25, 26
see also Constantinople
    Tyrone, Hugh O’Neill, Earl of, 248
    Umar, Caliph, 38, 49, 242
    Umayyad dynasty, 37
    Usman, Caliph, 38
    Ustajlu, Abdullah-Khan, 47–48, 50, 52–53
    Uthman, Caliph, 49, 242
Persian defeat of, 237, 238, 242
threats from, 48
and anti-Ottoman alliance, 38, 39, 64, 119
Sherley’s travels to, 232–33, 234, 254–55
trade with Ottoman Empire, 9, 25, 47, 62, 72
    Venice Company, 204
    Vermeyen, Jan, 17
    Verstegen, Richard, A Declaration of the True Causes of the Great Troubles, 182–84, 186
    Virgil, Aeneid, 229, 296
    Virginia Company, 291
    Walsingham, Francis:
aging of, 181
and Anglo-Ottoman trade, 65, 72, 82, 124
and anti-Spanish alliance, 123–25, 129
and Capitulations, 183
death of, 141
and Hakluyt, 217
and Harborne, 96, 102, 118, 123–24, 141, 142–46
intelligence networks of, 84, 118, 124, 125, 162, 168
and Leicester, 117, 120
“Memorandum on the Turkey trade” (1578), 82–83, 96
and Moroccan trade, 68, 71, 72, 73, 82–83, 115–17, 119–20
and Portugal, 65, 83
and unregulated trade, 103–4, 115–17, 120
    Ward, John, 297
    Waring, John, 259, 260
    Warner, William, Albion’s England, 54–55
    Warren, Sir Ralph, 205
    Warwick, Robert Rich, 1st Earl of, 121
    Wattasid dynasty, 56
    Wazzan, al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al- (Leo Africanus), 268, 282
    Webbe, Edward, 140–41
    West, John, 205
    Wheeler, John, Treatise of Commerce, 104
    White Sea, trade route via, 41, 43
    Whyte, Rowland, 261, 262
    Williams, John, 66–67
    Willoughby, Sir Hugh, 30, 34, 40
    Wilson, Robert, The Three Ladies of London, 106–10, 113, 114, 156, 157, 196, 200
    World War II, 188
    Wright, Edward, 226
    Wright, John, 74, 84
    Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 15, 16
    Wyndham, Thomas, 56–57
    Zenden, Casper van, 270

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