Vega Brothers: Khan: Secret Baby BBW (The Bear Shifters of Vega Ranch Book 2)
asked from across the table.
    Bailey told her about her job at the veterinary clinic and the two girls started chatting, hitting it off. Everyone always loved Bailey. She was the greatest.
    Hannibal lowered the book he was reading and turned to Liam. “What are you doing?”
    Khan chuckled. Liam was bent over with his tongue on the table.
    “Licking the maple syrup off the table,” Liam answered with a wet and sticky chin. Khan laughed at the boy’s shameless honesty.
    “Stop that,” Bailey said, reaching across the table and lightly smacking the top of his head. “Where are your manners?”
    “I’m going to like this kid,” Julius said with a smile. “Now I’m not the only one here who likes a good table licking.”
    “Good,” Khan said, thrusting his shoulders back. “Because Liam and Bailey are moving in. We’re getting married.”
    Julius dropped the spatula on the floor as all eyes darted to Khan.
    “Khan,” Bailey whispered. “Maybe we should have-”
    “That’s amazing!” Ava said, rushing around the table to hug her.
    Hannibal and Julius had big smiles on their faces as they rushed over to congratulate them. Julius ruffled Liam’s hair but the toddler was too focused on his pancakes to have understood what Khan had just said.
    They all hugged Khan and Bailey and then started firing off a million questions. When is the wedding? When are they moving in? Where’s the ring?
    Khan didn’t have the answers to any of them. Bailey and him had barely talked about this last night. She agreed to marry him but then they fell asleep in each other’s arms. He probably should have discussed it with her first before blabbing it to everyone but he couldn’t contain himself. He was just too excited.
    “You didn’t even get her a ring?” Julius said, shaking his head.
    Khan grabbed the jug of orange juice and popped off the thin blue plastic circle around the rim. “Here you go, my love,” he said, twisting it in two and slipping it on her finger.
    She pulled it off with a grimace. “It’s a little sharp. Maybe we’ll just wait until we get something else. Preferably with diamonds.”
    “Big diamonds,” Ava added.
    Bailey smiled at her. “We’re going to get along just fine.”
    “Bacon!” Liam squealed as he reached across the table and snatched a piece of bacon from Khan’s plate.
    Hannibal, Julius, and Ava all watched and waited with wide eyes and parted lips for Khan’s reaction.
    He just smiled as Liam stuffed it in his mouth and gobbled it down. Hannibal gasped as the toddler reached across the table again for a second strip. Khan pushed his plate towards his son, letting him take another piece.
    “I don’t believe it,” Julius whispered.
    Hannibal stared at Khan with unbelieving eyes. “What’s happened to him?”
    A lot had happened to him but there was one thing in particular.
    He was a father.

    “Just stay,” Khan said as Bailey strapped Liam into his car seat. “We can go buy new clothes for both of you.”
    “We’ll only be gone for two hours, max,” she replied. “We need a lot of other things and I have to feed the fish.”
    Khan’s heart was breaking a little at seeing them go. “What am I supposed to do?” he asked, feeling lost without them.
    Bailey closed the back door of the car, reached up and kissed him on the lips. “Go take a hot shower, relax, have some quiet time. Because you definitely won’t have any quiet time once Liam moves in.”
    Khan glanced past his mate to his son in the back seat. His mouth was moving rapidly as he had a conversation with himself.
    “Alright,” he said, reluctantly. “But hurry back. Please.”
    “I will.” Bailey kissed him once again and walked to the driver’s side as Khan licked the maple syrup taste of her kiss off of his lips.
    She stopped as she grabbed the door. Bailey took a deep breath, released the handle and turned, leaning on the car. “I know you were in the heat of the moment last night when you

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