The Presence of Grace (Love and Loss #2)
I was married at twenty-one, divorced at twenty-four, and a Floridian shortly thereafter.” The air was still between us and I heard the bouncing of a basketball from the courts at the other end of the park. I took another sip of my coffee and worked up the nerve to ask the question that was practically burning in my mouth. “Does it bother you that I’ve been divorced?”
    I wasn’t brave enough to look at him, to try and read his face before he gave his answer.
    “I think what bothers me most about it is that someone was stupid enough to let you go.”
    I wanted to tell him everything in that moment, but the overwhelming urge to not ruin all I felt between us won out. There will be plenty of time to ruin it.
    “Hey,” he said softly as his hand wrapped gently around the back of my neck, and my eyes slowly fluttered up to meet his gaze. “I’m not doing a great job of cheering you up, am I?”
    I let out a small laugh. “Death and divorce are my top two favorite topics of conversation.” He laughed with me and I almost lost my breath as his thumb moved up and down the sensitive skin of my neck. His hold on me was gentle, yet firm, and I wasn’t complaining. It had been a long time since a man’s fingers had trailed over any part of me, and I both loved and hated how wonderful it felt.
    “Shall we finish our lap around the pond?” His voice was soft and I got the impression that walking around the pond wasn’t actually what he wanted to do. I hadn’t been with many men, but I could tell when one wanted to kiss me. Devon’s eyes were dark, hooded, and darting down to my lips with every other loud thump of my heart. And even though kissing Devon seemed like a great distraction from all the bad, I knew if we were going to have a first kiss, I didn’t want it to be in the wake of the death and divorce speeches.
    We made it back to Devon’s car, the rest of the walk uneventful but enjoyable; Devon made sure to keep the conversation light, telling me funny stories about Jax and Ruby. I had a few gems to tell him myself, what with my entire workweek full of eight-year-olds.
    Just before he opened the door for me, he asked, “Can I take you out on a real date? Wednesday night, maybe? Dinner? A movie?”
    “Sure,” I said, trying not to blush. “I’d like that.”

Chapter Eight
    I hastily pulled into a parking spot outside Grace’s apartment building and cringed when the car slammed into the sidewalk. I pushed open the door as I turned the car off, and walked as quickly as I could without looking like someone was chasing me. I found the door with her apartment number on it and knocked.
    Grace opened the door with a beautiful smile and before she could do or say anything, I started apologizing.
    “I’m so sorry, Grace. The kids took forever to get ready. Jax couldn’t find his left shoe, and Ruby was not only moving the slowest I’ve ever seen her move, but she also had the worst attitude. I’m sorry.”
    “Really, it’s fine,” she said, still smiling as she stepped out into her breezeway.
    “It’s not fine,” I said to her back as she turned to lock her dead bolt.
    “Devon, it’s thirty minutes. You texted me and let me know you’d be late. It’s not like I don’t understand how children are the ultimate time suckers.” Her laugh rang out, echoing around us, making my nerves, which had previously been completely raw, calm. I was immediately at ease.
    I was also immediately noticing the dress Grace was wearing.
    There was nothing overtly sexual about the dress, but everything about Grace was sexy. The way the soft blue fabric crossed over her front, cutting right between her breasts. Or the way it hugged her waist and hung perfectly from her ass.
    I couldn’t remember the last time I purposely looked at a woman’s ass.
    The bottom of the dress flared out slightly when she turned, letting me take in the length of her legs.
    “You look amazing,” I stammered before I could stop

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