The Genesis Project Prophecy of the Seven

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Book: The Genesis Project Prophecy of the Seven by C.L. De Leon Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.L. De Leon
wish I had a fire so I could connect to all the elements.
    I thought about lighting one in the chimney that somehow was cut into the wall in the cubby I had claimed as my own.
    Whether it was natural or man-made I had no clue, even though I thought the latter made more sense. I sighed coming back to the surface of reality I was levitating myself over the middle of the pool. I hadn’t realized I’d done that. I released my energy, dropping myself into the pool.
    The water felt great I figured I probably needed a wash anyway; Bethany told me that this part of the river wasn’t a part of the water lines and pumps they used so if I swam or washed here it would be okay, and sanitary.
    I came to the surface laughing at myself, moved to the edge and removed my clothes. I decided to swim for a while before getting out getting the soaps and shampoos I had packed from my bathroom back home.
    I moved back within myself removing all thought of everything except communicating with the water, feeling my movements turn gracefully, as the weightlessness of the water lifted me, supporting me within it, as if the water was an extension of my body.
    I dove under the water listening to the way it communicated with me, and came back up top to see Jasper standing by the curtains and watching me in the pool.
    I noticed the look on his face and realized that he had been there for a while and here I was swimming naked.
    I tried to cover myself which, let’s face it was futile. “Well, you could at least offer a girl a towel, even though at this point I guess it doesn’t even matter considering by the look on your face you’ve been here for god knows how long ,” I chastised him.
    Jasper turned searching for a towel, and returning with one of my big beach towels. I smiled at him as he flung it over his shoulder and turned his back to me, giving me the privacy he had obviously already robbed me of.
    I pulled myself up from the pool wishing I could have had just a little bit longer I hadn’t had a chance to wash. I walked behind him taking the towel from his shoulder slowly; two could play at this game.
    Once I had it secure I walked past him to take a seat in one of the two chairs given to me.
    They were the kind you could take with you anywhere, the folding camping kind. I took the Pink camo one while he sat the green camo.
    “So…” I said sitting there crossing my legs making sure everything was covered completely, as he watched and he smiled.
    “What?” I asked him, raising my eyebrow.
    He looked like an angel with his hazel eyes and brown curly hair. How had I gotten so lucky, I laughed to myself catching a look from Jasper matching the one I had given him after I had discovered him watching me swimming.
    “I wanted to talk to you ,” he stated simply as if he wasn’t just watching me swim naked.
    “About?” I asked my curiosity was beyond peeked now. He had sought me out and stayed even after he found me naked in a pool of water. Either he really wanted to talk or he really liked what he seen and couldn’t move.
    I’d never stunned anyone stupid before, but apparently that’s exactly what I had just done.
    I reached to my right where I had set towels on a natural shelf of the cave wall, grabbing a smaller one and began to dry my hair; I grabbed a small bottle of conditioner and rubbed it through my hair waiting for him to speak.
    “I really would love to get dressed soon so either step out or say what you came to say,” I told him.
    “I apologize first, for catching you off guard, then staying to watch. I was mesmerized by you in the water ,” he said with such honesty I paused my task to look at him.
    “Are you sure it had nothing to do with the fact that I was and technically and still remain naked?” I asked, a smile teasing my lips.
    “No,” he said.
    “So you came to talk to me?” I asked again catching his gaze sliding over my form under the towel.
    “I wanted to tell you that I’m one of your Seven,” he

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