The Genesis Project Prophecy of the Seven

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Book: The Genesis Project Prophecy of the Seven by C.L. De Leon Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.L. De Leon
said as his eyes roamed back up my body to search my face.
    “My Seven?” I asked, I mean I heard Ben say it and even Blaine but to have a strange hot man come find you to tell you he belonged to your super awesome world saving group, somehow made it seem a little more real.
    “Yeah,” He chuckled.
    “Here , I’ll show you.” Jasper moved closer coming to his knees to the left of my chair. Jasper un-tucked his flannel and his white undershirt and yanked it off over his head to expose bulging muscles everywhere and rolling rippling abs, oh my.
    He positioned so I could see his right side clearly, which bore the mark of the seven showing his star at the top right filled in.
    “I’m your right hand man,” he said. 
    But what I heard is ‘your man’ I reached out to graze my fingers over his mark. I could feel him tremble at my touch and I liked it.
    “What does that mean?” I asked him, my voice slightly husky after having touched a shirtless god of a man while sitting naked under a towel…alone…where things could happen. He shocked me out of my fantasy when he started to move away to put his shirt back on.
    “Well … Story is like this,” he said as he took hold of my left arm.
    “This is you ,” he said touching center star on the mark of the Seven. “This is me directly to your right, and two spots to your left is Blaine, directly to your left will be Garrett and…”
    “Garrett ,” I said jumping to my feet so fast I startled him and lost my towel.
    Jasper reached out grabbing me by my upper arms turning me to face him. “What’s wrong?” He asked me, he gazed deeply into my eyes, and then slowly his gaze trailed down to appreciate my full nakedness, which wasn’t distorted by water this time.
    I squeaked trying to cover myself as best I could. “Can you at least stop staring and turn around?” I yelled at Jasper.
    “I apologize ,” he laughed as he turned to give me the privacy I so desperately needed.
    No man had ever seen me naked before, not even Blaine. I grabbed some clothes and began to jerk them on as fast as I could. “So how do you know so much about this prophecy thing?” I asked him.
    “Well I was taught about it when my gifts began to show themselves, which was around 16. My parents taught me about it all,” he said matter of factly.
      “Oh ,” I said and couldn’t help but note the sad tone in my voice. If my Dad been around then I would have grown up knowing this also.
    “So Garrett is part of the Seven then, do you know who else? I asked, wondering if they all had been raised knowing full well what they were and who they were meant to be, training for this event in their lives that would decide the fate and the outcome of the free world.
    “The only other ones we know of are Garrett and Luke.
    I went to sit back in my chair tapping him on his shoulder as I went by offering for him to sit again. I looked at my arm so that left three unaccounted for. “Do they have any idea who the others are?” I asked.
    “Well my mom is working with some others who have the gift of precognition, seeing possible futures and such. She’s trying to help them learn how to focus on one specific thing instead of just seeing. It’s a difficult thing to do my mom says.” Jasper shrugged his shoulders.
    “Who’s your mom?” I asked, wondering who bore this perfect eye candy.
    “Lilly,” he said smiling.
    Shock ran through me. “I didn’t expect that honestly, you two look nothing alike ,” I giggled.
    “So what’s the real reason you came here? I don’t buy the ‘I wanted to tell you I’m one of your Seven’ thing. I’m not even sure if that’s a good thing. I don’t know how to fight and I am just learning my gifts. The biggest thing I’ve done is shove Garrett’s sister down when they tried attacking us in Texarkana ,” I said,
    He leaned forward looking at me intently. “You did what?” he asked almost yelling.
    I sat back looking at him wondering why I let

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