Love's Fate (Love Trilogy #1)

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Book: Love's Fate (Love Trilogy #1) by Tracey Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey Smith
boyfriend Kevin. Christy had been a server at the catering company that Amy and I used to work for. I had never met Kevin before.
    “Sam couldn’t make it” Christy explained as she and Kevin came inside “She said to tell you she was sorry.”
    “That’s ok.” I smiled “More food for us.”
    “It smells fantastic” she commented sniffing the air and looking toward the kitchen
    “Oh, this is Kevin.” she said realizing she hadn’t introduced him yet.
    “Nice to meet you” he said shyly. I could tell he wasn’t thrilled that she had brought him along. He seemed uncomfortable.
    “You too,” I replied. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
    This seemed to embarrass him even more. He blushed as he looked over at Christy and she looked embarrassed too. I felt a little awkward. I wasn’t sure what else to say. I really didn’t know Christy that well, she and Amy were friends, but I’d only known her from work.
    “Still catering?” I asked Christy, searching for a topic.
    “Yeah, same old same old. Oh, by the way, some guy called looking for you.”
    “What was his name?” I asked absently.
    “I don’t know. He didn’t say. Just asked if you worked there. I told him you quit and he asked if I knew where to find you. I thought it was kind of creepy so I lied and said I didn’t. Thought he might be some weird stalker who saw you at an event or something.”  She shrugged as she finished recounting her story.
    Michael’s face flashed in my mind. But I knew that wasn’t possible. Why would he be looking for me? It was just wishful thinking. He probably hadn’t given me a second thought since that first night in the coffee shop. Besides, he didn’t know I worked for that catering company, and I was sure he hadn’t seen me at the wedding. He was too busy with her. I cringed as I remembered the image of them standing together wrapped in each other’s arms. Then I pushed the image of him out of my mind. That was exactly the type of breach I couldn’t allow. I would not think of him.
    “That’s weird.” Was the only reply I could think of “I’m going to go check on dinner” I lied, “Please have a seat”
    I gestured to the couch as I escaped into the kitchen to check on the food that was already finished. Christy and Kevin sat down and began talking quietly.
    Amy came out of her room a few minutes later and looked absolutely amazing in her new clothes. She hugged Christy and I was grateful when they started talking about her traveling adventures over the summer and the conversation began to flow more comfortably. Kevin still looked uncomfortable, though. I thought maybe it was because he was the only guy here.
    “Dan and Jared should be here soon.” I said, hoping that might relax him a little “As soon as they get here we can start dinner”
    Kevin did look a little relieved when I mentioned the guys coming over and it wasn’t long before they knocked on the door. Amy jumped up and ran to answer it.
    “Hey Babe” Dan smiled at her and she threw herself into his arms.
    They stood in the doorway kissing for a few minutes until Jared cleared his throat.
    “Think we can move inside the apartment?” Jared asked laughing.
    “Sorry” Amy apologized releasing her hold on Dan and letting them inside.
    Dan wrapped his arm around her as they walked into our apartment. Jared followed them inside and looked at me almost expectantly. I felt nervous all of a sudden. Did he expect that same kind of greeting from me? I hadn’t seen Jared all summer, he had called a few times but I had been able to make excuses about work to avoid him.
    We hadn’t really said goodbye when I moved. Just a casual “see you later”. I wondered if he thought we were still some kind of couple. Not that we’d been much of one before. I had always just thought of him as a friend, but I knew he had wanted more.
    “Hey” I said walking over to him smiling nervously.
    He leaned in like he was going to kiss me, but I turned

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