Ryan's Crossing

Free Ryan's Crossing by Carrie Daws

Book: Ryan's Crossing by Carrie Daws Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Daws
Tags: Christian fiction
Brittney imagined her own were.
    “Hey,” said Brittney, sitting beside Amy. “What did the doctor say?”
    “We’re not sure of all the medical words,” said Chad, “but he wants to do something called a marrow opsy. Do you know what that is?”
    Brittney’s heart sank.
    “What else did he say?” said Ryan.
    “He was talkin’ about some A-L-L leukemia being what might be wrong,” said Chad. He glanced at his wife before looking back at Ryan. “Leukemia kills people, don’t it?”
    “It can, but that depends on a lot of things,” said Ryan.
    “We’ll know more after the bone marrow biopsy,” said Brittney, “but acute leukemia isn’t all bad. Leukemia accounts for about one-third of all childhood cancers, and most kids with ALL go into remission and live full lives.”
    “He said something about the blood tests showin’ lots of white blood cells,” said Amy anxiously.
    “That’s why’s he’s ordering the bone marrow test,” said Brittney. “That will tell him for sure what kind of cancer we’re looking at. ”
    “So we should do it?” said Chad.
    “It’s not going to be fun for Joshua,” said Brittney, “but, yes. You should let them do the test.”

Chapter 13
    BRITTNEY WANTED TO STEP OUTSIDE to call her parents and update them on the situation, so Ryan walked her out and then sat on a bench nearby, alone with his thoughts. What a couple of weeks! Joshua, Gracie, Brittney. Then there’s the mob back at the Yager home . Ryan rubbed his face. I thought the wedding was going to be the stress point of my time here.
    Feeling restless, he stood up and paced a few steps to the stone face of the hospital building and leaned against it. Chad and Amy are beginning to depend on me, but Brittney’s better at the cancer stuff than I am. The wedding’s over; I need to get back to McWilliam, anyway. Or decide if I’m going to try out Portland.
    He turned around to watch Brittney. Flashes of her passed through his mind as he thought of their discussion on the porch swing and in the kitchen, how beautiful she looked this morning and how fragile she’d been just a short time ago after seeing Gracie. He sighed deeply.
    You were made for more than you’ve taken hold of.
    Matthew! Is this why I’m being sent?
    Okay, God. If I buy into all this, You’re the One sending me. Am I supposed to stick around and help Brittney through all this?
    He sighed again. “You know, I’m actually trying to get this.”
    You were made for more than you’ve taken hold of.
    He looked at the sky. “Yeah. I’m sure that’s supposed to be helpful, but I’m just not sure what to do with it.”
    “Are you talking to me?” said Brittney, clicking her phone closed and walking closer.
    Ryan’s head swiveled toward her voice. “Huh? Oh, no. Sorry. Everyone okay back in Crossing?”
    “Yeah. The party broke up right after we left, so everyone pitched in to get things cleaned up. Logan and Heather have gone home, and your mom and dad were just hanging around to see if we needed anything else. My mom’s going to make a pallet for Caleb in her room and put him to bed shortly.”
    “Sounds like things are under control.”
    “I am so tired,” said Brittney. “It’s been such a long day.”
    “You have no idea,” said Ryan, more to himself than to her.
    “What do you mean?” Brittney prodded.
    Unwilling to share his thoughts, Ryan turned to humor. “I’m still in a tux.”
    She smiled back. “It could be the latest thing in paramedic wear,” she teased. Then she gazed at him steadily. “Come on. Quit deflecting.”
    “Ouch. Well, the truth is I’m not sure you’d believe me if I told you. I’m not sure I believe it.” Ryan put his hands in his pockets and looked away. “You ever feel like you’ve been given a message from God, but you’re not sure what to do with it?”
    “Sure. Sometimes it feels like I do more wondering what to do with it than knowing where to go next. You

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