Courtin' Jayd

Free Courtin' Jayd by L. Divine

Book: Courtin' Jayd by L. Divine Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Divine
let him slip away from me.” Nellie backs away from Mickey, realizing now that our girl has completely lost it. “And why aren’t y’all getting on Nigel? His behavior was just as foul as mine.”
    â€œYes, but he’s not being deceitful to cover it up,” Nellie says. Having had enough of Mickey’s ghetto logic, Nellie begins to walk away from the library toward the main quad where we can see everyone hanging out and enjoying the cool, sunny day, including our boys. By the time she makes it all the way over to where they’re standing, break will be over. Watching Nellie approach them, the boys look up and notice our hiding spot. Mickey nods at Nigel who begins to head our way. Good, he’ll save me the walk. I want to get my inquisition about Rah out of the way early.
    â€œI’ll see you after school Jayd,” Nellie says over her shoulder, nearly jogging to where Chance is waiting with Jeremy. I hope she doesn’t open her mouth, at least not yet. Truthfully I would prefer it if Nellie did let it slip rather than me having to tell them. The best thing is for Mickey to be honest about the entire situation, but I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
    â€œDon’t hate the player Nellie. Hate the game,” Mickey shouts after her as she gulps down the remainder of her soda. Nellie looks over her shoulder to throw Mickey one last evil glare before meeting up with her man and my ex.
    â€œWhy are you being so nasty with her? She’s just trying to help you,” I say, tossing my trash into the wastebasket by the front door. I wish I could toss her ass in there for the way she’s acting but I can’t. She was there for me when I needed her and she even came through for Nellie after the madness that girl put us through. Now it’s our turn to help her see straight.
    â€œWhen has Nellie ever tried to help anyone of her own good will?” Mickey waits a second for me to answer but I’ve got nothing. “Never, and this time is no exception,” Mickey says, picking up her book bag from the ground next to her feet and putting her arms through the straps. “She wants another chance at Nigel and this is her perfect opportunity to make herself look good and me like a slut.”
    â€œMickey you don’t really think that, do you?” I say, amazed at how quickly she is ready to misjudge her best friend. Her and Nellie are tight and keep each other in check. But right now Mickey’s the one who’s out of line. “Nellie has done more for you than she has against you. You shouldn’t be so quick to turn on her.”
    â€œHave you forgotten about what we just went through with that girl? She turned on us at the first opportunity to hang out with the rich girls. That’s who she is—a wannabe—and I’m not letting her at my man.” Damn, this is getting too serious too soon. And speaking of moving too fast, here comes the reason we’re in this mess to begin with. I told Nigel and Mickey I didn’t like the idea of them dating, but nobody ever listens to me until it’s too late.
    â€œBy the way, your other man, also known as your maybe baby-daddy, is on his way over here.” Chance and Jeremy both nod a “what’s up” at me as I watch Nigel approach.
    â€œIt’s not a maybe anymore, Jayd. I really am pregnant,” she says, sounding more like she’s trying to convince herself than me.
    â€œI know that, we’ve got the proof. But the father’s identity is still up for grabs, no matter what you say.” Mickey glares at me hard as Nigel moves in. His face is more sullen than usual. I know he must be tripping over Mickey’s revelation and worried about his girlfriend’s reaction to the news too. I’d hate to be in either of their shoes right now.
    â€œWell, tell him I’ll be right back. I’ve got to pee,” she says,

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