Sweet Texas Fire

Free Sweet Texas Fire by Nicole Flockton

Book: Sweet Texas Fire by Nicole Flockton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Flockton
There’s just something about the place that appeals to me. Maybe it’s the international feel with so many ex-pats living here.” She shrugged. “I really can’t say why I like it here, I just do.”
    “So, what are you going to do?”
    “I spent some time looking into ways to get a green card myself, but it’s impossible. To work here, you have to have a company backing you. And even though Gold Star Eco wants me to stay, it’s just not a feasible thing for them at the moment. Their business relies on contracts. If they start to get outbid on more contracts like they did on these last few, or if contract opportunities peter out with the price of oil dropping, then they’ll be laying people off.”
    “Tell me about it,” he muttered. “I’m sure there are other options. Maybe look for another job?”
    Charlotte arched one of her auburn eyebrows. “Are you hiring?”
    “No, although having you on my team might mean you won’t oppose everything the company does and make my life a lot easier.”
    “Don’t count on it, Cowboy. I’d probably be tougher on you.”
    “Yeah, you probably would.” He took a sip of his drink. “And there really aren’t any other options?”
    “Nope. Pity I wasn’t on that reality show
90-Day Fiancée
    Gage spat out his drink. “What is that show?”
    Charlotte blushed, the light pink infusing her face. He quite liked seeing her uncomfortable. “It’s a show where people bring their girlfriends or boyfriends over from another country and then they have to get married after ninety days or they get sent back.”
    “Now I’ve heard everything. Charlotte Wilkinson is a closet reality TV junkie.”
    “Not quite. I was clicking through the channels one Sunday night and came across it. I watched one episode, but like everything else when it comes to reality television, it was probably scripted.”
    “I guess if they live in a country where opportunities are limited, marrying to get a green card seems like the perfect idea for them.”
    “If someone is desperate, they’ll do anything for a chance at changing their fate.”
    “So we’ve gotten a little off-topic, but what do you plan to do about the land, then?”
    “I guess I’ll sell it to you when the year is up.”
    The sadness crept back into her voice and demeanor. While he wanted the land badly, he’d seen the excitement on Charlotte’s face at the old house last weekend. She really did want the property, too. And with the way she spoke about her love for travel, she wouldn’t stay in Australia long. Which made him wonder why she thought she would stay in the United States permanently. No doubt the wanderlust would hit her again and she’d sell everything she owned and flit off to some other place. He’d probably never get his hands on the land if that happened.
    “I’ll pay you above market price for the land when the time comes.”
    Or you could marry her and get the land via marriage instead of paying an absurd amount for it.
    Gage shushed the voice in his mind. It was the most ridiculous idea he’d had, and it didn’t warrant a second thought.
    And he wasn’t going to fall into the same trap Gavin did with Macy and end up in love. Who fell in love within a few weeks? But they had a history where animosity disguised their true feelings. Gavin had always had a crush on Macy. He and Charlotte had no history. Their animosity was work-related, and no emotions came into the equation at all.
    Make it a business deal. Propose marriage and you could have everything you want. The land, the oil, and she gets her green card.
    The absurd thought wouldn’t leave his mind. The last time he’d let that voice control his thoughts, though, he’d been kicked out of college. He’d learned long ago nothing good came from listening to it.

    A knock at her door made Charlotte look up from the environmental report she’d been attempting to read. She welcomed the interruption. While she should’ve been

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