What God Has For Me
strong support system around you. Make sure you’re
faithfully attending church and reading your Bible.”
    Pastor Reed’s consultation concluded less
than thirty minutes later, then he offered her prayer. “Oh Father
God, in the mighty name of Jesus, we thank You for our daughter
returning to the fold in the nick of time before Your return. We
thank You for forgiving and forgetting her sins, according to Micah
7:18-19. Lord, help her to press on and stay faithful to You, in
Jesus’ name. Amen.”
    Later that evening, Halcyon called Desi. She
was still blown away with how God, others and even church members
easily accepted her return. “I can’t believe salvation is so
    “I know. We’re the ones who make it
complicated.” They chatted until their children began to whine.
Halcyon went to bed, believing that prayer really did change things
and she was more determined to reacquaint herself with the
    The next morning, Halcyon began her workweek
ready, even with sleeping bags for the children.
    She had barely gotten settled at her desk
when Paisley strolled in ooh ing and ahh ing over the
children. Jonathan ate up the attention. Ashanti wanted nothing to
do with the woman and ran to Halcyon’s side.
    “Morning, I was hoping we could have lunch
and get to know each other,” Paisley stated as if it wasn’t an
invitation, but a demand.
    “I’m sorry, I’m eating peanut butter and
jelly sandwiches with my babies today,” she said, then turned to
get to work.

Chapter 9
    Zachary wasn’t going to let Halcyon win this battle
as he leaned on the corner of her desk, interrupting her from doing
what he paid her to do. He couldn’t help himself. Halcyon was
already pretty, but since returning to church the previous week,
the woman was glowing. “It’s your birthday, Bridget, and I want to
take you shopping. My treat.”
    “You’ve already treated me, Zach. This
position, the flexibility, the benefits… Plus, the best gift I
could ever have is those two sleeping over there.” Halcyon pointed
to the twin cots on the play area side of the room. He had ordered
them online, and they were delivered yesterday.
    Halcyon stated that she didn’t need anything,
but he did, and Zachary was staring at her. “Hiring you was
business. This is personal. Haven’t you learned anything about us
Bishop men? We’re determined.”
    “Yes, you and Michael are.” Rolling her eyes,
Halcyon finally conceded after they’d been going back and forth for
a while. “All right. Take me to the dollar store.”
    Right. Zachary wasn’t a shopper by any
means. He preferred to drive up to the door of the store, walk
inside and leave less than twenty minutes later with his purchases.
But for Halcyon, he would endure a shopping spree to pamper
    On Saturday morning, Zachary bypassed Dollar
General Store, grinning at Halcyon while en route to Taubman
Prestige Outlets, one of West County’s newest outdoor malls. He
parked in the lot and came around and helped Halcyon out first,
then the children in the back seat.
    “Let the shopping begin,” he shouted
excitedly, which prompted Ashanti to clap and her brother to mimic.
“They have quite a few stores here. I’m sure we can find something
you like.”
    “I’m sure they will have a lot of things I’d
like,” she mumbled as she stared at the entrance to the walkway
that actually divided the shops.
    Despite Jonathan’s protest to be set free,
Zachary kept a steady hold on him in his arms. Ashanti latched on
to Halcyon and began to skip ahead, pulling her mother.
    “Let’s find a t-o-y store to get them some—”
Halcyon spelled out the word.
    “Not today.” Zachary shook his head. “This is
about you, Bridget.”
    He knew she liked him calling her by her
middle name whenever she angled her head and smiled like now. “I
was thinking something small they can carry in their hands to
occupy them.”
    “Nope.” Zachary was concerned that once he
got the children

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