What God Has For Me
in there, it would be a disaster trying to get
them out. Plus, Halcyon would be content watching them enjoy
themselves, probably hoping he would forget about her. A double
    Zachary’s compromise was to park the three on
a bench while he went inside. He plucked up a miniature plastic
race car for Jonathan and a mini cloth doll for Ashanti. He
returned and handed them their gifts. “Problem solved. Let’s
    “Smooth. Real smooth, Mr. Bishop.” Halcyon
chuckled, then unexpectedly reached for his hand, linking her
fingers through his.
    He couldn’t help but give her a questioning
look, even though he wasn’t complaining. “Is this step one toward
us?” he kept his voice low as they crossed the threshold of bebe’s
clothing store, activating the customer buzzer.
    “Maybe.” Halcyon shrugged. “My thoughts are
still being processed, but you’re hard to resist.”
    “That’s good to know,” he said with a jolt of
confidence. The sales associate greeted them at the entrance and
asked how she could help. “We’re updating her wardrobe, so any
assistance you can give us, would be great,” Zachary didn’t give
Halcyon time to say a word.
    When she squinted and squeeze her lips with
an attitude, he whispered close to her ear, “Don’t even think about
making a scene. This is my birthday gift to you.”
    For the next hour or so, Halcyon breezed in
and out the dressing room, modeling everything the sales woman
brought to her. The children clapped enthusiastically when they
were wowed. Zachary kept silent and visually feasted on the colors
that complemented Halcyon’s skin tone and curves. They could do
this, he and Halcyon could make “them” work, and the children
completed the package.
    When it came time to choose, that’s when the
battle of wills kicked in. Zachary closed the distance between
them. “Halcyon,” he began, meaning business. “Let me spend my money
as I see fit, which is to treat you like a lady. Fight me on this
and I’ll kiss you like I want to.” Zachary looked at her lips. He
almost wanted her to protest, so he could administer his
    Stepping back, she held up her free hand in
surrender and placed the garments draped over her arms on the
counter. “Thank you,” she whispered with misty eyes. “I don’t think
you would, but I feel like you’re trying to buy my love. I’m not
use to this treatment.”
    “I can’t buy your love, Bridget. I already
have it.” With that, he turned to the cashier, who seemed to be
amused by their tit-for-tat, and whipped out his wallet and handed
the woman his card to proceed. “We’ll take these items.”
    Although Halcyon was quiet throughout the
transaction, she blinked when the bill came to
one-hundred-and-ninety-something dollars. Zachary thought three
skirts, four tops, two pair of slacks and one hot dress for them to
go to dinner and dancing, was worth it.
    When they strolled out the store, Halcyon
leaned in to him. “You make it hard for a woman not to love you,”
she joked as she scooped up Jonathan in her arms to keep him from
wandering off.
    “Then love me.” Zachary said softly and
opened his arms and with no reluctance, she walked into them. He
squeezed her, inhaling the fragrance of her hair. The moment was
too brief as Ashanti patted his leg wanting in on the fun.
    Smiling down at the girl, Zachary lifted her
into his arms for an impromptu group hug. It had been a good choice
to take her shopping. It seemed like each minute, she was yielding
to her feelings.
    “Let’s grab lunch.” Leading them toward the
food court, which consisted of a handful of vendors, they decided
on Taviani’s Italian food, so the children could enjoy pizza.
    Halcyon and the children settled at a table
while Zachary ordered. When he returned with the trays and
dispersed the food, Ashanti begged to say grace.
    With her hands folded, and head bowed,
Ashanti prayed, “Jesus, thank You for pizza and my Mommy and Uncle
Zach and my baby

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