What God Has For Me
    “Good morning, church,” Pastor Reed nipped
into Halcyon’s wandering mind. He welcomed visitors and asked them
to stand; Zachary cheered her on. To keep from being further
embarrassed, she got to her feet. When Halcyon took her seat, she
stuck out her tongue. Zachary winked.
    When the pastor announced the passage for his
Sunday sermon, Halcyon couldn’t believe she had left the Bible she
had been reading at home. Zachary offered to share his, although
she knew he could use the Bible app on his phone.
    “Without a trial, there is no testimony,”
Pastor Reed began. “Jesus is our example in John 19. Even though
God was wrapped in the flesh as Jesus, the flesh suffered cancer,
diabetes, stab and gunshot wounds. Whatever diseases and
circumstances that would cause the flesh’s demise, Christ suffered
it all so that we could share in His testimony. Whatever your
trials are now, have been, or will come, it’s in God’s plan that
you will survive so that you can give a testimony…”
    Was God speaking directly to her? she
wondered. When the sermon concluded, the altar call was given to
anyone who had repented to come and receive the baptism of water
and the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name.
    Granny Rose reached over Zachary and
whispered to her, “After the pastor dismisses, we’ll go to his
office where you’ll have his undivided attention and he can pray
for you.”
    “I need it,” she admitted. “I know the Lord
reclaimed my life after I confessed my sins, but I don’t totally
feel…” She didn’t how to describe her spiritual state.
    Zachary hugged her. “Take one day at a time.
Each day, you’ll find yourself spiritually stronger, if you spend
more time in prayer and get a steady dose of God’s Word.”
    Once the baptismal session was over and the
offering taken, Pastor Reed gave the benediction. Family members
pushed Zachary aside to get to her as if she were some type of
celebrity. “There’s still hope. Two down, only one to go,” her
mother said, lifting her hand, referring to Tracey who wasn’t in
attendance. While squeezing her tightly, she whispered, “You’re
going to be all right and my grandbabies too… Zachary will make
sure of that.”
    Halcyon tensed. When it came to multi-tasking
for her children, she could do it with her eyes closed. But she
wasn’t equipped emotionally to focus on God and Zachary at the same
    “C’mon, baby. Let’s get to Pastor Reed’s
office.” Granny Rose commandeered her arm and steered her out the
sanctuary with more speed than Halcyon knew her petite grandmother
possessed. “I’m happy you came today and brought my
    Inside the church office, Pastor and First
Lady Reed greeted her with open arms. Then her children stole the
show. Ashanti sucked up the attention.
    “Sister Holland, God doesn’t intend to lose
one soul He has redeemed, but the choice is ours. You made that
choice when you came today. I don’t know the circumstances between
you and your children’s father, but we are closer to the end than
we were this morning. If you want to continue your relationship
with their father, then he must repent and be baptized in Jesus’
name and pray for Jesus to fill him with the Holy Ghost. Then I’ll
be more than happy to marry you.”
    “He’s already married,” Halcyon said in a
soft voice.
    First Lady Reed sucked in her breath, but
didn’t say anything. Pastor Reed’s expression didn’t change. Then
Halcyon realized how she phrased that. “Ah, I didn’t fool around
with a married man. Some sins, I just can’t commit, but we did live
together until I got pregnant with Jonathan. I moved out when I
realized he wasn’t going to marry me.” She swallowed. The rejection
still hurt. “I heard he recently got married to another woman, so
there will be no reconciliation between us.”
    He nodded. “I see,” he said while his wife
seemingly relaxed in her chair. “And God has a blessing for you
too. You have a

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